How can I connect iFix with DeltaV? Thanks for attention... Will appreciate it

How can I connect iFix with DeltaV by programing c# ?

Thanks for attention... Will appreciate it

10 Replies

  • The best way to get data out of a DCS like DeltaV is to use OPC-UA. No custom programming required. Having said that, DeltaV is a DCS that already comes with its own embedded native operator workstation software so there is no need to put a third-party HMI like iFix on top of it. Is there some special requirement you have in mind?
  • Anonymous

    In reply to Jonas Berge:

    Hi thanks . My goal is this. How does his deltav relate to ifix? Suppose I want to use another interface for HMI instead of ifix. The goal is to know how ifix communicates with this delta v so that I can write an interface using C # programming.
  • In reply to Anonymous:

    If you want to display data in another HMI access it through OPC-UA. Newer DeltaV systems no longer use iFix.
  • In reply to Anonymous:

    Doctor, The DeltaV system has a proprietary OPC Server that is integrated with the iFIX HMI. This interface is not available to other applications. For a third party Application, you would develop your solution to use the OPC DA or OPC UA interface on the DeltaV Application stations and is licensed per tag, per client connection.

    The number of tags you require will be the sum of all data points to be communicated. PV, SP, OUT, MODE, Alarms, Limits, Tuning values, Engineering Units and scale ranges, etc. You may also want to show the Status of the PV and other variables. All of these require an OPC Tag and will require a license. A typical DeltaV HMI can have hundreds of individual runtime references , and with multiple displays the concurrent tag count can be in the thousands. If your client does not properly handle the OPC Groups and Items to remove them when no longer needed, you could easily run out of tags to allow adding new items. Of course, you are aware of all these things.

    A word of caution. If you have access to a DeltaV System Integration dongle for development purposes the licensing of the OPC server is disabled on all nodes. An integrator once developed a custom HMI solution for a customer only to find that the OPC Servers they developed on were not valid in a production system. The entire HMI solution had to be redeveloped using the DeltaV iFIX HMI. They chose this path because they were not familiar with iFIX and felt they could provide a better solution with their own HMI solution. In the end, what they did not know caused them to fail.

    In v 14, DeltaV offers both DeltaV Operate (iFIX) and DeltaV Live (New HMI based on HTML5, and Typescript language for scripting). DeltaV Mobil offers additional connectivity to DeltaV data for both Alarm and Watchlists via the mobile App on a Smart Phone, or via the Webserver for Process displays viewed on Web Browsers. RDP clients can also access DeltaV HMI Displays via RD servers. Unless you are developing a limited scope, fit for purpose HMI, I would strongly recommend against a custom HMI.

    If you are developing this for the PK Standalone, it must be with OPC UA (or Modbus TCP). The OPC UA server on the PK controller is not tag licensed and is provided specifically for 3rd party HMI's. They are inherently limited to the data address space of the PK Controller.

    Andre Dicaire

  • Anonymous

    In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    i want to know how to use Scada, but I do not know how his Delta v software is related to ifix ? Can you help me?
  • Anonymous

    In reply to Jonas Berge:

    i want to know how to use Scada, but I do not know how his Delta v software is related to ifix ? Can you help me?
  • Anonymous

    In reply to Andre Dicaire:

  • In reply to Anonymous:

    Your application must use OPC to communicate with DeltaV. You can create your OPC Client interface to either OPC DA or OPC UA requirements. OPC UA is available on DeltaV version 14 and up. For v13 and earlier, you would need OPC DA, or you would require an OPC UA wrapper to be deployed on the DeltaV OPC DA server.

    Your application should be developed according to the OPC specifications. By adhering to these specifications, your client would be able to communicate with DeltaV and any other OPC Compliant servers.

    Forget about connecting through the proprietary communication interfaces used by DeltaV Operate iFIX HMI. Your only option is via the Application Station's OPC server.

    Andre Dicaire

  • Anonymous

    In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    thanks . can you tell me inside the file .BulkEdit_Support.xla" and "u2A.exe" file in deltav . what is or what exactly is it and what does it do?
  • Anonymous

    In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    thank you . So we should not use Modbus and ... ....?