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Safety Shower Monitoring - Simple yet effective!

Safety showers can be found in almost any plant. Being an essetial safety component it is often overlooked which can result in dramatic consequences. In this short article it is explained how WirelessHART can help you gaining that extra layer of awareness with a minimal of investment and engineering. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/safety-shower-monitoring-simple-yet-effective-danny-vandeput?trk=prof-post

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  • The same wireless infrastructure used for emergency safety shower and eyewash stations is ideal also for many other HS&E related applications like:
    - Reducing manual data collection
    - Monitoring manual valve position
    - Shutdown valve position and performance verification
    - Storage tank breather valve and blanketing monitoring
    - Coal pile fire prevention
    - Relief valve release detection; vent/flare reduction
    - Hydrocarbon leak/spill detection
    - Cooling water discharge temperature monitoring

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