Steamtraps - Wireless Mesh design at ground level

Does someone has experience with (designing) a mesh with only 708 Acoustic transmitters at groundlevel in a plant with a dense metal structure (piping, vessels, furnaces, pumps, etc.) and one gateway in the middle of the plant?

I see two possible options to design a mesh with only wireless transmitters at groundlevel (max. 1 meter from ground):

  • Design the mesh from inside out.
    The gateway will build a direct link with the wireless devices close by. From there add repeaters (708 at a stemtrap) to build the mesh at groundlevel till all 708's are reached.
    This mesh create short paths, multiple pinpoints and hops.
  • Design the mesh from outside in.
    Put repeater at locations (the boundary of the plant) where it directly can build a link with the gateway. From there build the mesh to the inner part of the plant.
    This mesh will create longer paths and less pinpoints and hops are expected.