
Check out Emerson Presents at the 2014 Emerson Exchange!

Emerson Exchange 2014 Attendees:
When scheduling your personal agenda for the conference, be sure to check out the “Emerson Presents” portion of the program.  This year, Emerson will present several roadmap sessions discussing the future development within major product portfolios.  Reserve your spot in one of the 15 Educational Classes put on by Emerson instructors (CTU eligible).  In addition, there will be 35 specific workshops hosted by Emerson personnel detailing the use and advancement of new products or major revisions to products within the past 2 years.  On Friday morning is your chance to “Meet the Experts” by attending a couple of the 17 sessions hosted by Emerson’s leading technology experts.  Be sure to bring your pressing problems for thoughts and discussion!
Michael McCarty
Emerson Exchange Board of Directors 