  • Accuracy for Blending and Batching Operations

    Blending and batching processes require accurate measurements during filling operations. The ingredient mix must be consistent with assuring adherence to specifications. This quick one-and-a-half-minute YouTube video, Blending and Batching with Micro Motion F-Series Coriolis Flow Meters , shows how mass-based measurements in these Micro Motion meters provide the accuracy and reliability to deliver consistent batches…
  • Best of Both ESG and Efficiency Goals

    As more and more oil & gas exploration & production companies look to digitally transform their operations for efficiency and profitability, it may be surprising to learn that the digital oilfield can also help the environment, employee satisfaction, and retention rates. In other words, going digital can help you make significant gains in your ESG strategy. Having abundant data from monitoring systems is great, and…
  • Valve Packing Selection for Fugitive Emissions Reduction

    As oil and gas producers balance the demands for greater production and more sustainable operations, reducing fugitive emissions is one area of focus. The packing in valves is one area to drive improvements. In a Processing article, Simplifying control valve packing selection , Emerson’s Sarah Witte and Wade Helfer highlight the importance of valve packing selection for more sustainable production. Sarah and Wade…
  • Remote Monitoring Lays the Foundation for Lights-Out Manufacturing

    It isn’t news that the global pandemic upended the way we operate our plants. When social distancing trapped our most valuable personnel outside the facilities we rely on, it suddenly meant finding new ways to get critical work done. But the reality is, those changes would have been coming—albeit less quickly—even without the influence of COVID. Retirements and shortages of experienced workers have been thinning out…
  • Applying Advanced Analytics

    You may assume a cloud-based SCADA platform is just another operational system like all the others. After utilizing data visualization tools and cloud applications embedded in Emerson’s Zedi Cloud Platform , you realize you can turn your data into knowledge for faster and better business decisions. That is what advanced analytics is all about! It’s getting that next level of analytics from your remotely located assets…
  • Reliable and Maintainable Intelligent Electric Actuators

    Electric valve actuators help solve fugitive emission challenges in industries where natural gas has powered the pneumatic actuators. While this is one case for their use, they also provide excellent controllability for challenging valve automation demands in the oil & gas, power, municipal, and process industries. In this 3:35 YouTube video, Bettis XTE3000 Electric Actuator , Emerson Impact Partner, Puffer-Sweiven…
  • The Rosemount Thermowell Design Accelerator Will Help Optimize Your Inventory

    There’s a lot at stake when it comes to temperature measurement in process industries, and the number of sensors and thermowells your process needs to keep running safely and productively can be considerable. When you have so many different sensor and thermowell product models to manage, designing, purchasing, installing and stocking these various product models can be an arduous task – and you spend a lot of money doing…
  • AIChE Fuels and Petrochemicals Division Award

    Emerson’s Tim Olsen received the great news that he had been selected as a recipient of the AIChE Fuels and Petrochemicals Division Award for 2022. Each year, this division recognizes individuals who have made substantial technological contributions to the advancement of fuels and petrochemicals industries. Tim will be the guest speaker at the Fuels and Petrochemicals Division Annual Awards Dinner held during the AIChE…
  • Reliable Wireless Device Networks

    Wireless technology has advanced on many fronts—speed, reliability and ease of use to name a few. In a Control magazine article, Wireless just as reliable as hardwiring , Emerson’s Shane Hale shares how this reliability enables the types of applications to increase. Shane is quoted. “We need to debunk the remaining myths about wireless, such as the prejudice that it’s hard to implement and program, lacks reliable…
  • Overcoming Biofuel Production Challenges

    Energy-intensive industries such as downstream hydrocarbons are pushing forward with decarbonization projects as part of their sustainability goals. Hydrocarbon Processing spoke with Emerson’s Julie Valentine to discuss this topic in a “ The Main Column ” podcast, Digital technologies: A path to increased production and decarbonization . After some introductions, Julie was asked about biofuels and what constitutes a…
  • Overcoming Biofuel Production Challenges

    Energy-intensive industries such as downstream hydrocarbons are pushing forward with decarbonization projects as part of their sustainability goals. Hydrocarbon Processing spoke with Emerson’s Julie Valentine to discuss this topic in a “ The Main Column ” podcast, Digital technologies: A path to increased production and decarbonization . After some introductions, Julie was asked about biofuels and what constitutes a…
  • Overcoming Biofuel Production Challenges

    Energy-intensive industries such as downstream hydrocarbons are pushing forward with decarbonization projects as part of their sustainability goals. Hydrocarbon Processing spoke with Emerson’s Julie Valentine to discuss this topic in a “ The Main Column ” podcast, Digital technologies: A path to increased production and decarbonization . After some introductions, Julie was asked about biofuels and what constitutes a…
  • Overcoming Biofuel Production Challenges

    Energy-intensive industries such as downstream hydrocarbons are pushing forward with decarbonization projects as part of their sustainability goals. Hydrocarbon Processing spoke with Emerson’s Julie Valentine to discuss this topic in a “ The Main Column ” podcast, Digital technologies: A path to increased production and decarbonization . After some introductions, Julie was asked about biofuels and what constitutes a…
  • Safety Loop Redundant Solenoids for Exercise and Testing

    Solenoid valves are often found in safety instrumented functions (SIFs) to release pneumatic pressure holding safety valves open or open depending on the application. Redundancy of these valves enables greater reliability and online proof testing. In a Process Industry Informer article, Redundant Solenoid Valve Architecture Improves Safety and Reliability , Emerson’s Mike Howells describes the importance of these valves…
  • Mining Process Optimization

    Wouldn’t it be great if a production process kept the same performance over time? Unfortunately, the dynamics change as the assets wear and production rates vary. Production performance consultants work to adjust the tuning and control strategies to address these changes and maintain optimum performance. One of Emerson’s Principle Consultants, Lou Heavner , was recently asked a series of questions about process optimization…
  • Safety Components for Machine Automation

    In this video, Machine Safety | Fluid Control & Pneumatics Mobile Event , Emerson’s Wolf Gerecke explains how our cost-effective solutions keep workers safer, simplify safety systems, improve machine functionality, and maximize productivity. Transcript Today I would like to show you how you can meet machine safety standards without compromising productivity. With years of experience supporting our customers in implementing…
  • Eliminating Methane Emissions and Improving Control Performance

    For many oil & gas producing sites, the traditional way to power valve actuators has been from the natural gas pressure from the well. The issue with this approach is the venting of methane into the atmosphere. In an Oilfield Technology article, Switching on to Electric Control Valves’ Potential , Emerson’s Scott Losing and Andrew Prusha describe how electric valve actuators have advanced to replace pneumatic actuators…
  • Effective Sealing for Bio-Based Packaging

    If you’re not already familiar with the European Union’s Circular Economy Action Plan , it: …provides a future-oriented agenda for achieving a cleaner and more competitive Europe in co-creation with economic actors, consumers, citizens and civil society organisations. It aims at accelerating the transformational change required by the European Green Deal, while building on circular economy actions implemented since…
  • Process Alarm and Event Data in Non-Traditional Cloud-Based Applications

    Note from Jim Cahill : Our team at Emerson Impact Partner, Spartan Controls , recently worked with a major oil & gas client to implement this use case of integrating DeltaV Alarms & Events data to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud using Emerson’s Plantweb Optics platform —a holistic data management platform unifying Operational Technology (OT) data into actionable information. Background The data available in OT…
  • Valve Reliability in Safety Instrumented Functions

    The three key components in a safety instrumented function (SIF)—sensor, logic solver and final element—each have their own probabilities of how they will perform, or not perform, when called upon to bring the process to a safe state. Of these three components, the final element is more like to fail on demand due to its role in touching the process and mechanically operating. In a Hydrocarbon Engineering article, Improving…
  • Make the most of your reliability workforce

    Today’s plants frequently have limited personnel but still need to find ways to do more work and meet increasing goals and quotas. This dichotomy frequently causes a problem when it comes to asset monitoring, which is traditionally performed by technicians manually inspecting equipment with handheld devices on a regular schedule. In the current environment, plants are faced with a dilemma: do they reduce the manual rounds…
  • Episodio 35: Hecho en México-Manufactura de equipo Emerson en Latinoamérica

    Muchas de las marcas y productos de Emerson que han sido reconocidos globalmente por su tecnología y calidad, se manufacturan en México y Latinoamérica. Conozcamos en voz del experto, René Cabrera, Director de operaciones de la región, la relevancia que tiene México en la manufactura global de Emerson, así como las mejores prácticas en términos de transformación digital, responsabilidad social, desarrollo de talento y…
  • Dynamic Multiphase Flow Measurement for Rapidly Changing Conditions

    At the time of writing this blog post, West Texas Intermediate crude oil prices current stand at over $93 per barrel and rapidly closing in on $100 per barrel. For oil and gas producers, accurate and robust multiphase measurements are critical for managing production with rapidly changing flow conditions. In a quick 2:43 YouTube video, Supporting Automation in Dynamic Multiphase Flow Measurement , Emerson’s Kelda Dinsdale…
  • Dynamic Multiphase Flow Measurement for Rapidly Changing Conditions

    At the time of writing this blog post, West Texas Intermediate crude oil prices current stand at over $93 per barrel and rapidly closing in on $100 per barrel. For oil and gas producers, accurate and robust multiphase measurements are critical for managing production with rapidly changing flow conditions. In a quick 2:43 YouTube video, Supporting Automation in Dynamic Multiphase Flow Measurement , Emerson’s Kelda Dinsdale…
  • Dynamic Multiphase Flow Measurement for Rapidly Changing Conditions

    At the time of writing this blog post, West Texas Intermediate crude oil prices current stand at over $93 per barrel and rapidly closing in on $100 per barrel. For oil and gas producers, accurate and robust multiphase measurements are critical for managing production with rapidly changing flow conditions. In a quick 2:43 YouTube video, Supporting Automation in Dynamic Multiphase Flow Measurement , Emerson’s Kelda Dinsdale…