  • Advanced Diagnostics and Averaging Pitot Tubes

    Advanced diagnostics is the name given to a class of transmitters that provide additional information about the condition of itself and the process.  In addition to internal electronics problems, advance diagnostics can alert you to power supply issues...
  • Differential Pressure versus Vortex Flowmeters

    There are many kinds of flowmeters that can be used for steam and gas applications.  These range from basic variable area (rotameter) and turbine flowmeters, to more advanced differential pressure (DP) and vortex flowmeters.  While these are all good...
  • Upgrading to Advanced Boiler Control

    Pretty much every process plant has a boiler for the generation of steam.  Steam is a commodity that is widely used around a process plant for many different applications.  These include heating, steam jacketing, steam tracing, power generation ( turbomachinery...
  • Technology and Instrumentation

    Since the creation of the first transmitter there has been a marked shift in technology.  This includes the technology used for both transmitters and process control systems.  The early pneumatic (3 – 15 psi) systems gave way to electronic systems (4...
  • A Great Way to Shrink the Shrinkage

    Custody transfer is defined as the way to measure the commercial exchange of a commodity.  When a business purchases a commodity, there is a pre-established method to verify the amount of product purchased.  Gasoline, chemicals and even milk is all traded...