  • Dynamic Multiphase Flow Measurement for Rapidly Changing Conditions

    At the time of writing this blog post, West Texas Intermediate crude oil prices current stand at over $93 per barrel and rapidly closing in on $100 per barrel. For oil and gas producers, accurate and robust multiphase measurements are critical for managing production with rapidly changing flow conditions. In a quick 2:43 YouTube video, Supporting Automation in Dynamic Multiphase Flow Measurement , Emerson’s Kelda Dinsdale…
  • Industrial Software Enables Performance Gains

    The 18 th edition of Innovations in Process Automation from the Emerson European team is now available. It’s also available in German , Spanish , French and Italian . This edition highlights some prime examples of Emerson’s industrial software capabilities and explains how these capabilities are helping manufacturers and producers to achieve significant performance gains. The articles in this edition include: Emerson…
  • Improving Tailings Management in Mining Operations

    The effective management of tailings in mining operations is critical to the overall performance of the mine site. Managing the slurry flow reliably and efficiently requires valves that can withstand this difficult and abrasive process. Emerson’s Andy Coxall joins me in this podcast to discuss the challenges in tailings management, the problems with valves not suited for this severe-service application, and why severe…
  • Electro-Hydraulic Valve Actuator Operation

    Last week, we shared an educational video about how rotary vane actuators work . Another great video was also just recently released, Electro Hydraulic Operator Bettis EHO Schematic Overview (runtime 2:54). Like the rotary vane actuator video, this video provides an overview of the principle of operation for Bettis Electro-Hydraulic Operator (EHO) . These self-contained actuators are designed to actuate quarter-turn…
  • Improving Compressed Air Energy Efficiency

    Compressed air used in many manufacturing sites whether process, hybrid or discrete manufacturing process. In a Compressed Air Best Practices article, Solving Predictive Maintenance and Sustainability Challenges Through Digital Transformation , Emerson’s Amit Patel notes that some of these processes can spend a third of their energy usage generating compressed air. Given these costs associated with generating compressed…
  • Improving Mining Shovel Performance

    In mining operations, mining shovels do the heavy lifting in digging and extracting ore in surface mining operations. They are used in coal, copper, gold and other ore mining operations. In an Engineering and Mining Journal Article, Shovel Service Suppliers Help Cut Costs, CO2 , Emerson’s Tom Francisco joins other mining experts to describe ways to extend the life and improve maintenance practices on these critical…
  • Improve Speed to Market with Closed-Loop Process Control using Spectral PAT

    We have witnessed an incredible change the last few years in how life sciences manufacturers deliver treatments . Today’s focus is on fast results, and that means products patients rely on cannot sit on shelves for weeks or months waiting on quality validation. In a recent article in Pharmaceutical Processing World , Emerson’s Bob Lenich and Bruce Greenwald explored a strategy plants are using to digitally transform…
  • 2022 Australia and New Zealand Automation Outlook

    The Australian & New Zealand publication, Process Technology sought business thought leaders’ outlooks for 2022 . Emerson’s Boris Gabin shared his thoughts. When asked about growth opportunities for automation in 2020, Boris responded: I am very optimistic about the growth opportunities we see in the industry, driven predominately by global demand for resources to support a sustainable future and meet net-zero targets…
  • Smart Devices Drive Performance Improvements

    Whether you collect data manually or continuously monitoring with sensors, you need this data to analyze the performance of your industrial assets. In a Process Instrumentation article, Smart valves and pneumatics improve plant performance from the asset up , Emerson’s Jason Maderic and Gabe Boltniew share how connectivity technologies enable greater continuous monitoring to drive safety, reliability and optimization…
  • Rotary Vane Actuator Valve Control

    Rotary vane actuators are often used for automated pipeline valves and other critical ball and plug valve applications. The hydraulic-powered actuators apply hydraulic force on the rotor’s vanes away from the stationary shoes to produce rotation and perfectly balanced torque output. With no conversion of linear to rotary motion, this actuator technology is highly efficient and ideal for use in high vibration applications…
  • Advancements in Pneumatic Valve Systems

    Digital technologies have advanced the performance of pneumatic systems. In a Tech Briefs article, Smarter Pneumatic Valves Enhance Automation Systems , Emerson’s Marchelle Forish describes how: …pneumatic technologies such as control valves continue to evolve, incorporating sensors, industrial network interfaces, wireless technology, and complex digital control features that can significantly improve automation applications…
  • How Industrial Facilities Are Prioritizing Safety with Advanced Location Technology

    Safety has always been a top priority for industrial facilities, but varying safety regulations, personnel training obstacles, and high implementation costs have presented challenges in creating more encompassing safety programs. From housing complex process equipment to hazardous materials, industrial facilities present unique challenges and more barriers to implementation, preventing these facilities from advancing…
  • Ultrasonic Welding Helps Ramp Up COVID Test Production

    Demand for COVID test kits remain high and challenge manufacturers to maximize their production levels. In a Plastic News article (registration required), Automation suppliers help meet demand for COVID-19 testing kits , Emerson’s Vernon Murray , president of Branson assembly and welding technologies, highlighted the importance of welding technology in driving production efficiency. The article opens noting the production…
  • Level Instrumentation for the Brewing Industry

    In today’s highly competitive and rapidly evolving market, brewing operations are in constant need of improving production throughput and flexibility, while reducing costs and meeting sustainability targets. An excessive amount of downtime and a lack of flexibility can increase operating costs, and product losses or inefficient energy usages can also erode an operation’s profitability. Additionally, inefficient processes…
  • Regulatory Requirements for Medical Devices Webinar

    There is a new requirement for medical device companies selling into the European market, called the Medical Device Regulation, or MDR. This new regulation places a focus on the supply chain, meaning suppliers in the industry must have a good understanding of the new regulation in order to do business. Problems arise when the supplier fails to take the necessary steps to understand and implement MDR requirements. In this…
  • Pneumatic Cylinders and Actuators

    Actuators enable mechanical movement in many industrial applications. In discrete and hybrid manufacturing applications, pneumatic cylinders are commonly used. A article, What Are Pneumatic Actuators Used For? Types, Applications & Uses , highlights several of these applications. The article opens noting that these pneumatic actuators: …are also cleaner and safer than other solutions, which make them…
  • Actuator Monitoring and Control for Improved Performance

    Valves are the workhorses of industrial processes as they control and manage the flow of fluids. Information can be collected from the actuators controlling their movement to help drive improvements in safety, reliability and efficiency. Emerson’s Knut Riegel joined me in this Emerson Automation Experts podcast to discuss motor operated valves and the information that can be extracted to improve performance. Visit…
  • Driving Electrical Power Grid Sustainability

    Let’s wind down this week with a look at the growing complexity in electrical power generation and distribution networks. Advancing technology plays an important role in managing this complexity for grid resiliency and reliability. This 3-minute YouTube video, Emerson Sustainable Grid Solutions shares ways that grids with unpredictable renewable energy can be transformed into predictable, reliable power through real…
  • Emerson Coriolis Flow Meters Ensure Calibration Accuracy at TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory

    Emerson’s Micro Motion Coriolis ELITE flow meter installed at the TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory Advanced Multiphase Facility TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory (NEL), one of the foremost authorities on flow measurement, is using Emerson’s Micro Motion Coriolis flow meters to provide flow measurement in both its Advanced Multiphase Facility and new Water Flow Facility in East Kilbride, Glasgow. The Coriolis…
  • Emerson Coriolis Flow Meters Ensure Calibration Accuracy at TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory

    Emerson’s Micro Motion Coriolis ELITE flow meter installed at the TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory Advanced Multiphase Facility TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory (NEL), one of the foremost authorities on flow measurement, is using Emerson’s Micro Motion Coriolis flow meters to provide flow measurement in both its Advanced Multiphase Facility and new Water Flow Facility in East Kilbride, Glasgow. The Coriolis…
  • Emerson Coriolis Flow Meters Ensure Calibration Accuracy at TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory

    Emerson’s Micro Motion Coriolis ELITE flow meter installed at the TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory Advanced Multiphase Facility TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory (NEL), one of the foremost authorities on flow measurement, is using Emerson’s Micro Motion Coriolis flow meters to provide flow measurement in both its Advanced Multiphase Facility and new Water Flow Facility in East Kilbride, Glasgow. The Coriolis…
  • Episodio 31: Hablemos de los mitos y realidades de SCADA en la nube

    En este episodio, nos acompaña Fernando Castillo, especialista en Sistemas SCADA para hablarnos acerca de las tendencias del mercado actual en sistemas SCADA. Conversamos también sobre las consideraciones relacionadas a la virtualización de los sistemas SCADA en la nube. Escucha el episodio completo y suscríbete a nuestro canal para conocer más sobre las diferentes innovaciones en automatización industrial. https…
  • Hygienic Level Instrumentation for Applications in the Dairy Industry

    Processes within the dairy industry have evolved into more specialized and refined procedures, but underlying principles involved in the manufacturing of dairy products, such as yogurt, milk, ice cream or cheese, have remained the same over the years. Dairy manufacturers need to ensure plant availability and  reduce product loss by increasing the efficiency of processes and enhancing production capabilities. Innovative…
  • Driving Repeatable Chemical Manufacturing Batch Operations

    A key performance indicator (KPI) for many batch manufacturers is right the first time. Automation plays a large role in driving success in this KPI. In a recorded webinar, Achieving Repeatable Golden Batch Outcomes , Chemical Engineering magazine’s Scott Jenkins hosts Emerson’s Michael Machuca and Marty McDonough to discuss some of the automation solutions that can improve the Right First Time metric. They discuss…
  • How to Select Valves for Molecular Sieve Switching Applications

    As a business development manager for Emerson’s AEV C-Ball Valves , I recently published an article in the October 2021 issue of Plant Services. The article describes the unique and difficult challenges associated with molecular sieve switching valves and the new valve options available to address these issues. The article is titled How to Select Valves for Molecular Sieve Switching Applications and it is summarized below…