  • Custody Transfer for Natural Gas Liquids

    As described by MarketRealist, raw natural gas from wells contains numerous components. While mostly methane, a dry gas, and wet gases including ethane, propane, normal butane, isobutane, and natural gasoline, along with water, carbon dioxide, and sulfur...
  • Flow Measurement in High Process Noise Environments

    Pulp and Paper processes provide noisy environments for measurement instrumentation. This 5-minute YouTube video demonstrates how magnetic flowmeter (magmeter) process noise diagnostics and noise mitigation technology improves flow measurement in pulp...
  • Meeting the European Union Energy Efficiency Directive

    March 7 is fast approaching if you want to get the 200 Euro discount to the April 1-3 Emerson Exchange conference in Stuttgart, Germany. One of the presentations you’ll want to catch is on the implications of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive. Emerson...
  • Lease Automation Custody Transfer Units

    Author: Rossella MimmiIf you’ve been around the oil & gas business, particularly in North America, you’re likely familiar with the LACT acronym. Lease Automatic Custody Transfer is the point where the custody of oil is transferred from the producer to...
  • Optimize Separator Flow Points

    The separation process in upstream holds the key to maximizing oil and gas production. We’ve explored the importance of flow measurement for separators, now let’s examine ways in which these flow points can be optimized so they help achieve your operational...
  • Separator Measurement and Control in Upstream Production

    As a follow up to Lee Rumbles’ post yesterday, Importance of Flow Measurement for Separators, I wanted to share this 3:39 YouTube video, Upstream Production – Separator Measurement & Control using Micro Motion Coriolis. The video provides a quick review...
  • Importance of Flow Measurement for Separators

    Hi, I’m Lee Rumbles and today we’re going to explore the importance of flow measurement in the oil and gas separation process. Understanding what’s truly going on in your process is a key to success. Without this insight it’s difficult to tell – are we...
  • Steps in Bunker Fuel Custody Transfer

    Anything that can reduce the turnaround time for marine vessels in port improves their overall operational efficiency. In an earlier post, More Accurate Marine Fuel Measurement, we highlighted how bunker fuel measurements could be improved with mass flow...
  • Pipeline Natural Gas Allocation System Case Study

    In the oil and gas industry, allocation: …refers to practices of breaking down measures of quantities of extracted hydrocarbons across various contributing sources.[1] Emerson’s Mehmet Duzen shared a case study with the readers of Flow Control magazine...
  • Assuring Accuracy in Fiscal Measurement and Custody Transfer

    As hydrocarbons and other fluid-based products change ownership through the value chain, accurate measurement and accounting is critical. We have discussed this custody transfer process in several posts. In an Oilfield Technology article, Fiscal Assurance...
  • Industrial Energy Team Peels Reliability like an Onion-Part II

    Emerson’s Jennifer Sandstrom explores reliable combustion air flow in today’s post. Last time, we started to talk about how Emerson’s Industrial Energy group deconstructs a problem to create a reliable solution. Again, remembering the very definition...
  • More Accurate Marine Fuel Measurement

    A large component to global trade is commercial shipping operations. Like accurately filling and paying for the gas that goes in your car, these ships require accurate custody transfer from the supplier of the fuel used to propel them over great distances...
  • Vortex Flow Measurement in Severe Service Applications

    I had a chance to catch up with Emerson’s Kei Cheung at the recent Emerson Exchange conference. She showed me a demonstration of a Rosemount 8800 Severe Service Vortex Sensor. This technology recently won Flow Control magazine’s Flow Control Innovation...
  • Impact of Reduce Uncertainty of Flow Measurement in Development of Rocket Liquid Propellants Engines

    How could I not cover a presentation which involves flow measurement and rocket science! The abstract of this presentation is: Rocket motors are flow machines and flow machines are sensitive to flow dynamics. In other words, the physical-chemical processes...
  • Truck Loading / Unloading with Micro Motion

    Emerson’s Todd Fortman and an engineer with a distributor shared an application story around truck loading and unloading. Their abstract: A Wisconsin based chemical distributor required an accurate and efficient truck loading and unloading solution. With...
  • How Often Should Flowmeters Be Calibrated?

    Do you encounter issues related to flow measurement accuracy in your plant? We are often faced with questions such as – am I getting correct measurement from this flowmeter? Is it time to calibrate [1] this meter? Did the corrosive application change the calibration factor of my flowmeter? As known very well, ensuring that flowmeters are performing accurately is essential for managing product quality, reducing waste…
  • Measuring Critical Flow Applications with Vortex Meters

    We are often challenged with competing requirements of containing cost, maintaining uptime and ensuring personnel safety. None more so than critical flow applications involving hazardous fluid. It is a well known fact that preventing unscheduled shutdowns increases overall throughput. This is very difficult in case of critical applications where hazardous process fluids need to be dealt with for replacement or repair…
  • Measuring Slurry Flow using Magnetic Flowmeters

    Using Magnetic flowmeters for slurry flow can be a tricky thing as the relationship between the flow velocity and the induced voltage is not always exactly proportional. Depending on the slurries types, the resulting noise could present a major challenge causing some to give up on magnetic flowmeter when face with slurry flow. Experienced operators when measuring slurry flow using magnetic meters, will sometimes increase…
  • LNG Measurement Challenges

    In an earlier post, Measuring Liquefied Natural Gas, we looked at the move to liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a fuel for marine vessels. Emerson’s Arjan van Ginkel gave me a peek at an unpublished whitepaper, Best practices for LNG measurement using Micro...
  • Required Pipeline IDs for Flow Measurement Pressure-Temperature Compensation

    I received a call the other day and wanted to capture the question and answer for other people Googling around with similar questions. The question: What are the required distances in pipeline inside diameters (I.D.) upstream and downstream for a differential...
  • Formation Kicks and Wellbore Ballooning in Oil and Gas Wells

    Controlling the oil and gas drilling process is about managing the pressure and fluids from the reservoir with the hydrostatic pressure in the drilling mud. From Wikipedia’s well drilling entry: Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) is defined by the International...
  • Controlling Combustion of Hydrogen Fuel Mixtures

    Hydrogen is a great, clean-burning fuel source. Just look at its combustion equation: 2H2 + O2 -> 2H2O + Heat Water and heat are created from the combustion of hydrogen and oxygen. I mention all this because Emerson’s Andrew Verdouw had the opportunity...
  • Measuring Liquefied Natural Gas

    The autumn season ramps up with several process automation and industry conferences, including our September 30-October 4 Emerson Exchange event to be held in the Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas area. I received word of another conference, the Metrology for...
  • Coriolis Innovations at Chemspec Europe 2013

    Hello again—Chris Womack here with another guest post. The specialty-chemical industry’s big European convention, Chemspec Europe 2013, features an Emerson exhibit for the first time this year. The meeting is going on right this minute in scenic Munich...
  • Annubar Averaging Pitot Tube Flow Measurement Advancements

    The ways to measure gas and liquid flow are numerous. In prior posts, we’ve highlighted Annubar technology, which is similar to pitot tube technology. From Wikipedia: The biggest difference between an annubar and a pitot tube is that an annubar takes...