  • Podcast: Improving Fiscal Measurements and Loss Control

    Terminals, the storage and transportation hub for oil & gas and petrochemicals, are critical to the overall infrastructure and flow of products to consumers and businesses. They form a vital link in global supply chains increasingly driven by a landscape of boutique products and just-in-time logistics. “There’s probably about 2- or 3-days buffer in the flow of goods [in terminals supply chain] before we would start to…
  • Podcast: Improving Fiscal Measurements and Loss Control

    Terminals, the storage and transportation hub for oil & gas and petrochemicals, are critical to the overall infrastructure and flow of products to consumers and businesses. They form a vital link in global supply chains increasingly driven by a landscape of boutique products and just-in-time logistics. “There’s probably about 2- or 3-days buffer in the flow of goods [in terminals supply chain] before we would start to…
  • Podcast: Improving Fiscal Measurements and Loss Control

    Terminals, the storage and transportation hub for oil & gas and petrochemicals, are critical to the overall infrastructure and flow of products to consumers and businesses. They form a vital link in global supply chains increasingly driven by a landscape of boutique products and just-in-time logistics. “There’s probably about 2- or 3-days buffer in the flow of goods [in terminals supply chain] before we would start…
  • Why Vortex Flow Meters are the Champions of Steam Applications

    Steam applications are beneficial for a wide range of tasks across many industries. Affordable, efficient, and non-hazardous, steam is a potent conveyer of heat energy. Its adaptability makes it a key component anywhere heat distribution is necessary. However, whenever a process involves steam, extra care and attention is required. Higher temperatures and pressures make safety a real concern and water droplets from condensation…
  • Why Vortex Flow Meters are the Champions of Steam Applications

    Steam applications are beneficial for a wide range of tasks across many industries. Affordable, efficient, and non-hazardous, steam is a potent conveyer of heat energy. Its adaptability makes it a key component anywhere heat distribution is necessary. However, whenever a process involves steam, extra care and attention is required. Higher temperatures and pressures make safety a real concern and water droplets from condensation…
  • Why Vortex Flow Meters are the Champions of Steam Applications

    Steam applications are beneficial for a wide range of tasks across many industries. Affordable, efficient, and non-hazardous, steam is a potent conveyer of heat energy. Its adaptability makes it a key component anywhere heat distribution is necessary. However, whenever a process involves steam, extra care and attention is required. Higher temperatures and pressures make safety a real concern and water droplets from condensation…
  • What Roxar Rapid Adaptive Measurement™︎ Means for the Future of Multiphase Flow Metering

    As oil and gas operators adjust production methodologies and target more challenging reservoirs worldwide, the need for adaptive multiphase flow measurement continues to evolve. Pioneering modern solutions will be integral to meeting the unique challenges of these sources. Emerson’s automation efforts and philosophy of innovation helps us develop extraordinary capabilities in our Roxar Multiphase Flow Meters. Now, with…
  • What Roxar Rapid Adaptive Measurement Means for the Future of Multiphase Flow Metering

    As oil and gas operators adjust production methodologies and target more challenging reservoirs worldwide, the need for adaptive multiphase flow measurement continues to evolve. Pioneering modern solutions will be integral to meeting the unique challenges of these sources. Emerson’s automation efforts and philosophy of innovation helps us develop extraordinary capabilities in our Roxar Multiphase Flow Meters. Now, with…
  • Refinery Reliability Brought to You by Vortex Flow Meters

    A North American refinery was facing challenges with their crude unit charge heater due to clogging and freezing of its impulse lines. In settings like this, it’s crucial to have dependable and redundant measurement to guard against damage to the heaters and keep everything running safely and smoothly. These measurements were part of Safety Instrumented System (SIS) loops that trip if fluid levels become too low to manage…
  • Refinery Reliability Brought to You by Vortex Flow Meters

    A North American refinery was facing challenges with their crude unit charge heater due to clogging and freezing of its impulse lines. In settings like this, it’s crucial to have dependable and redundant measurement to guard against damage to the heaters and keep everything running safely and smoothly. These measurements were part of Safety Instrumented System (SIS) loops that trip if fluid levels become too low to manage…
  • Manifold Valve Positions when Calibrating Multivariable Transmitters

    Emerson’s Michael Flesch shares how multivariable transmitter calibration and manifold valve operation affect the performance of natural gas flow measurement applications at the Emerson Exchange Americas Virtual Series. Here is his presentation abstract: Following a basic manifold valve sequencing procedure when performing regular maintenance on a differential pressure (DP) measurement installation with transmitter…
  • Manifold Valve Positions when Calibrating Multivariable Transmitters

    Emerson’s Michael Flesch shares how multivariable transmitter calibration and manifold valve operation affect the performance of natural gas flow measurement applications at the Emerson Exchange Americas Virtual Series. Here is his presentation abstract: Following a basic manifold valve sequencing procedure when performing regular maintenance on a differential pressure (DP) measurement installation with transmitter…
  • Integrated Gas Metering Systems

    Gas metering systems are the cash registers for custody transfer between companies. At the Emerson Exchange Americas Virtual Series, Emerson’s Juan Najera shares some best practices in designing and operating these gas metering systems. Here is his presentation abstract: Accurate flow measurement is the key in custody transfer applications. To ensure a reliable measurement in energy transactions, it is required to incorporate…
  • Integrated Gas Metering Systems

    Gas metering systems are the cash registers for custody transfer between companies. At the Emerson Exchange Americas Virtual Series, Emerson’s Juan Najera shares some best practices in designing and operating these gas metering systems. Here is his presentation abstract: Accurate flow measurement is the key in custody transfer applications. To ensure a reliable measurement in energy transactions, it is required to incorporate…
  • Verification Methods for Coriolis Flow Meters

    Emerson’s Marc Buttler discussed the verification process for Coriolis flow meters using methods such as master meters, proving, lab calibration and secondary verification diagnostics at the Emerson Exchange Americas Virtual Series. Here is his presentation abstract: One of the most valuable features of a Coriolis meter is that, once it has been properly calibrated, the flow measurement accuracy will remain unchanged…
  • Verification Methods for Coriolis Flow Meters

    Emerson’s Marc Buttler discussed the verification process for Coriolis flow meters using methods such as master meters, proving, lab calibration and secondary verification diagnostics at the Emerson Exchange Americas Virtual Series. Here is his presentation abstract: One of the most valuable features of a Coriolis meter is that, once it has been properly calibrated, the flow measurement accuracy will remain unchanged…
  • Applications for Ultrasonic Flow Meter Technology

    Rosemount 3418 ultrasonic gas meter There are many alternative technologies when it comes to measuring flow. At the Emerson Exchange Americas Virtual Series, Emerson’s Martin Schlebach describes applications where ultrasonic flow measurement is the best choice. Here’s his presentation abstract: The 3418 8-path gas ultrasonic meters offer premium accuracy in the simplest installations. Rigorous compliance testing has…
  • Applications for Ultrasonic Flow Meter Technology

    Daniel 3418 ultrasonic gas meter There are many alternative technologies when it comes to measuring flow. At the Emerson Exchange Americas Virtual Series, Emerson’s Martin Schlebach describes applications where ultrasonic flow measurement is the best choice. Here’s his presentation abstract: The 3418 8-path gas ultrasonic meters offer premium accuracy in the simplest installations. Rigorous compliance testing has…
  • Remote Oil and Gas Production Monitoring with Multiphase Flowmeters

    Emerson’s Norberto Ortigoza presents on the Roxar Multiphase Flowmeter for enabling remote monitoring and data-driven decisions at the Emerson Exchange Americas Virtual Series. Here’s his presentation abstract: Roxar Multiphase Flow Meters are equipped with multiple sensors providing numerous outputs that combined with remote access allow to perform diagnostics that can go beyond its original purpose of measuring the…
  • Remote Oil and Gas Production Monitoring with Multiphase Flowmeters

    Emerson’s Norberto Ortigoza presents on the Roxar Multiphase Flowmeter for enabling remote monitoring and data-driven decisions at the Emerson Exchange Americas Virtual Series. Here’s his presentation abstract: Roxar Multiphase Flow Meters are equipped with multiple sensors providing numerous outputs that combined with remote access allow to perform diagnostics that can go beyond its original purpose of measuring the…
  • Coriolis Mass Flow Measurement in Ethylene Pipelines

    A supercritical fluid (SCF) exists: …at a temperature and pressure above its critical point , where distinct liquid and gas phases do not exist, but below the pressure required to compress it into a solid . [2] It can effuse through porous solids like a gas, overcoming the mass transfer limitations that slow liquid transport through such materials. SCF are much superior to gases in their ability to dissolve materials…
  • Coriolis Mass Flow Measurement in Ethylene Pipelines

    A supercritical fluid (SCF) exists: …at a temperature and pressure above its critical point , where distinct liquid and gas phases do not exist, but below the pressure required to compress it into a solid . [2] It can effuse through porous solids like a gas, overcoming the mass transfer limitations that slow liquid transport through such materials. SCF are much superior to gases in their ability to dissolve materials…
  • Reducing Fiscal Metering System Flow Metering Uncertainty

    Emerson’s Karl Stappert presents Smart Meters and Prover Technology Advancements Reduce Uncertainty at the Emerson Exchange Americas Virtual Series. Here’s his presentation abstract: This session will discuss the advantages of applying smart flow metering technologies to reduce the operational uncertainty of a fiscal metering system and advancements in flow prover technology that improves the economics of proving smart…
  • Reducing Fiscal Metering System Flow Metering Uncertainty

    Emerson’s Karl Stappert presents Smart Meters and Prover Technology Advancements Reduce Uncertainty at the Emerson Exchange Americas Virtual Series. Here’s his presentation abstract: This session will discuss the advantages of applying smart flow metering technologies to reduce the operational uncertainty of a fiscal metering system and advancements in flow prover technology that improves the economics of proving smart…
  • The Industry’s First Certified SIL Capable Quad Vortex Flow Meter

    Safety and risk reduction are both high priorities for operators in the process industry. Not only is it critical to maintain the health and safety of personnel, but past industrial incidents have caused extensive damage to nearby areas, causing harm to residents and the environment. Fortunately, there are avenues available to further the goal of maintaining plant safety and reducing risk. One layer of risk prevention…