We have a new DeltaV system with version 14.3 PK750 controllers. I am also using Beijer iX developer software to intregrate some Beijer x2 pro 10 HMI's to the system.
We want to display string, floating point, integer, and binary data on the HMI from the PK750 controllers using OPC UA. Using the Beijer developer tool, I can see the all types of tags in the controller such as floating point, integer, and binary data. However, I can see string data in the controller.
Is the PK750 controller restricted from transmitting string data over OPC UA or Ethernet to other systems such as HMI's or PLC's?
I have attached screenshots of the Beijer navigation tool and the DeltaV screens.
In the screenshots, you will see these parameters:
The screenshot "OPC_DATA_DEVELOPER_28DEC20" shows the Developer navigation tool before I added the TESTBATCHID and TESTNUMBER parameters, but it did show the TESTNUMBER parameter. I could display the TESTNUMBER value on the Beijer HMI as 3.1414.
In reply to Cornell:
Andre Dicaire
In reply to Andre Dicaire:
That is consistent with what our project team experienced, though the GSC call I reviewed indicated the OPC UA server did support strings. Then again, that could have been limited to the Application station wrapper and was not meant to include the PK controller OPC UA Server.
I can only suggest you log a call with the GSC to raise this issue, as well as to get clarity documented in the database. This will also confirm to you how to proceed, which for now seems to be to use Named Sets with equivalent enumerations in the Bejier database.
It is curious why the OPC UA clients are prevented from writing strings and the OPC UA Server on the PK does not allow access to string parameters.
Also, the document I found indicated that Scaling Parameters were supported. These have 4 fields: EU0, EU100, Units and Decpt. The Units field is a string. Well actually, it is an integer that maps to a defined string. If you read the PV_SCALE.UNITS, I expect you will see a number. You should find a file in /DeltaV/DVDATA/Download called EUDT.SCR. This contains an enumeration of all EU Units. The value for % is 1342. If Bejier receives the integer, you can look up and create an enumeration and include all the values your configuration will be using.
I don't think I can help you any further as I have not used the PK OPC UA server to date. Good Luck.
In reply to AdrianOffield:
If you wanted to read Named sets as string you have to tell the client to request a string data type otherwise it will default to int. See example below using Matrikon Explorer.