Hello Everyone
A few years ago, I created a calculation tag in our PI system with a few functions like
Tagval (Tag number, Time): the value of the tag at that time
Tagmax (Tag number, Start time, End time): max value of the tag
Prevval (Tag number): quote previous value of the tag
FindEq (Tag number, Start time, End time, Value): return the time when the tag value is equal to the value within the time specified.
I have tried to make same equation using above functions in DeltaV, but I couldn't figure out how to achieve the same result.
Are there any functions of calculation in DeltaV I can use like the functions above?
In reply to Michael Moody:
In reply to Lun.Raznik:
Hi Micheal
Thanks for your interest. I am not sure if you can clearly see the equations I used in our PI system. If you want I can send the image through your e-mail.
According to our dryer regeneration operation principle, monitoring heat bump to see residual heat after regeneration of drier beds are important factor.
However the direct temperature reading is not the ultimate indicator. The heat bump between the temperature when the rate of temperature change is increased and the max temperature is what we want to ultimately monitor to verify regeneration condition of driers.
With the set of 4 calculation tags with temperature reading, I could get the magnitude of heat bump in PI historian.
You can see the temperature reading(Green) and the heat bump(Black) in the trend below. As PI is not shown in our DeltaV, I wanted to make same calculations before, but I couldn't figure out how to do it.
If you can let me know the method, it will be very appreciated.
Thanks for your comment. You are right the excel Addin would have similar functions from historian. But I would like to make the real time calculation tags in the DeltaV. Can it be done as well?
In reply to Junggyu Yu: