DeltaV Operate Batch Controls

Does anyone have any programming examples of setting filters on the BatchListView.grf?  When we were using the BOI we were able to set filters on each workstation so that the operators could only see certain recipes in the batch list and only add certain recipes.  We would like to duplicate this with the DeltaV embedded batch controls.  I could not find any help on the controls properties,  so I am struggling trying to figure out how to set the filters.  Any help or ideas is greatly appreciated.

3 Replies

  • All the filter options that are presented at the Batch Operator Interface (BOI) are not available from the ActiveX control on BatchListView. Prior to v13 this control wasn't able to be changed during runtime but in 13 you can do some minimal runtime changing of the filter options but still not like the BOI can filter.

    Here is an example of what can be done in v13 now (prior this had to be configured on Unique displays because the CurrentContext didn't work)

    This reason the BOI is still available is probably because those filter options haven't been addressed yet on this ActiveX control, Once all of that is available I'm sure the BOI will be gone. Here are the filters at the BOI with highlights that can sort of be done with the ActiveX control, wildcards aren't supported to my knowledge and testing.



  • There are a few options.  If you want a fixed filter, that can easily be done in the BatchList control shown below.  Select the radio button required and enter a filter (wildcards are OK).  If you want a dynamically filtered list, you have a few lines of VBA in front of you in addition to checking the 'Use Current Context' box on the BatchList Control 'filter' tab.  This dynamic filtering was made to work in the v13 release and hotfixed back to v11/v12.

    It order to make the filter persist on the station after you specify a test filter (pushbuttons, data entry field, etc.), I suggest stuffing the filter string into a Global variable

    example:   " frsGlobVarDataEntry "SIGlobals.BatchFilter.CurrentValue", False, "BatchFilter in SIGlobals project""

    then set that 'Current Context' on your BatchList control to that variable. 

    example:   DVBCtrlBatchList2.CurrentContext = SIGlobals.BatchFilter.CurrentValue

    This was the value of the filter is retained when you switch screens and return to your custom-filtered batch list.

    If is under KBA: NK-1500-0421

  • In reply to Steve Murray:

    Alright my system is at version 12.3.1 I will check into the hot fix. I appreciate the answers. I wish the filtering was easier, if I was not using trains I would still be using the BOI.  Sorry does the currentcontext property also apply to the batchlistbar control?


    Ron Veverka