  • How to Select Valves for Molecular Sieve Switching Applications

    In a recent article in the October 2021 issue of Plant Services , it describes the unique and difficult challenges associated with molecular sieve switching valves and the new valve options available to address these issues. The article is titled How to Select Valves for Molecular Sieve Switching Applications and it is summarized below. Molecular sieves Molecular sieves use a desiccant process to remove water vapor…
  • How to Select Valves for Molecular Sieve Switching Applications

    In a recent article in the October 2021 issue of Plant Services , it describes the unique and difficult challenges associated with molecular sieve switching valves and the new valve options available to address these issues. The article is titled How to Select Valves for Molecular Sieve Switching Applications and it is summarized below. Molecular sieves Molecular sieves use a desiccant process to remove water vapor…
  • How to Select Valves for Molecular Sieve Switching Applications

    As a business development manager for Emerson’s AEV C-Ball Valves , I recently published an article in the October 2021 issue of Plant Services. The article describes the unique and difficult challenges associated with molecular sieve switching valves and the new valve options available to address these issues. The article is titled How to Select Valves for Molecular Sieve Switching Applications and it is summarized below…
  • Corrosion Monitoring for Terminal Reliability

    For the oil & gas industry alone, the yearly cost of corrosion damage is estimated to be over $1.3 billion USD according to NACE International (formerly National Association of Corrosion Engineers) and now known as AMPP: The Association for Materials Protection and Performance . They note: That figure can be broken down into $589 million on surface pipeline and facility costs; $463 million annually in downhole tubing…
  • Corrosion Monitoring for Terminal Reliability

    For the oil & gas industry alone, the yearly cost of corrosion damage is estimated to be over $1.3 billion USD according to NACE International (formerly National Association of Corrosion Engineers) and now known as AMPP: The Association for Materials Protection and Performance . They note: That figure can be broken down into $589 million on surface pipeline and facility costs; $463 million annually in downhole tubing…
  • Corrosion Monitoring for Terminal Reliability

    For the oil & gas industry alone, the yearly cost of corrosion damage is estimated to be over $1.3 billion USD according to NACE International (formerly National Association of Corrosion Engineers) and now known as AMPP: The Association for Materials Protection and Performance . They note: That figure can be broken down into $589 million on surface pipeline and facility costs; $463 million annually in downhole tubing…
  • Why Continuous, Non-Intrusive Corrosion Monitoring is Fast Becoming a Refining Industry Best Practice

    Corrosion risk is great, and incidents can be severe – potentially endangering lives, therefore there is increased need for corrosion control in refineries. Even slight changes to the process can affect corrosivity greatly. Changing crude diets, flow rates, yields or inhibition levels can impact negatively on asset integrity. Monitoring periodically through techniques such as manual inspection do not provide the granularity…
  • Why Continuous, Non-Intrusive Corrosion Monitoring is Fast Becoming a Refining Industry Best Practice

    Corrosion risk is great, and incidents can be severe – potentially endangering lives, therefore there is increased need for corrosion control in refineries. Even slight changes to the process can affect corrosivity greatly. Changing crude diets, flow rates, yields or inhibition levels can impact negatively on asset integrity. Monitoring periodically through techniques such as manual inspection do not provide the granularity…
  • Why Continuous Non-Intrusive Corrosion Monitoring is Fast Becoming Refining Industry Best Practice

    Corrosion risk is great, and incidents can be severe – potentially endangering lives, therefore there is increased need for corrosion control in refineries. Even slight changes to the process can affect corrosivity greatly. Changing crude diets, flow rates, yields or inhibition levels can impact negatively on asset integrity. Monitoring periodically through techniques such as manual inspection do not provide the granularity…
  • Solving Level Measurement Challenges for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants

    According to OSHA, the chemical industry has one of the most stringent safety regulations. Regular inspections, servicing, and maintenance work are required due to the intense stress that is often placed on the equipment because of the exposure to very aggressive substances and extreme high temperatures and pressures. Depending on the size and type of plants and operations concerned, maintenance often involves a complete…
  • Solving Level Measurement Challenges for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants

    According to OSHA, the chemical industry has one of the most stringent safety regulations. Regular inspections, servicing, and maintenance work are required due to the intense stress that is often placed on the equipment because of the exposure to very aggressive substances and extreme high temperatures and pressures. Depending on the size and type of plants and operations concerned, maintenance often involves a complete…
  • Solving Level Measurement Challenges for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants

    According to OSHA, the chemical industry has one of the most stringent safety regulations. Regular inspections, servicing, and maintenance work are required due to the intense stress that is often placed on the equipment because of the exposure to very aggressive substances and extreme high temperatures and pressures. Depending on the size and type of plants and operations concerned, maintenance often involves a complete…
  • Avoid Taking a Successful Reliability Program for Granted by Improving Its Use

    Success must be supported so it can be sustained. As Chris Jensen and H.P. Slater discuss in an article in the July issue of Process Heating , this line of thinking is no less true in predictive maintenance (PdM) than in anything else. Some companies are impressed with the initial savings that PdM programs generate through improved production and lower maintenance costs, but New PdM programs typically identify many…
  • Avoid Taking a Successful Reliability Program for Granted by Improving Its Use

    Success must be supported so it can be sustained. As Chris Jensen and H.P. Slater discuss in an article in the July issue of Process Heating , this line of thinking is no less true in predictive maintenance (PdM) than in anything else. Some companies are impressed with the initial savings that PdM programs generate through improved production and lower maintenance costs, but New PdM programs typically identify many…
  • Avoid Taking a Successful Reliability Program for Granted by Improving Its Use

    Success must be supported so it can be sustained. As Chris Jensen and H.P. Slater discuss in an article in the July issue of Process Heating , this line of thinking is no less true in predictive maintenance (PdM) than in anything else. Some companies are impressed with the initial savings that PdM programs generate through improved production and lower maintenance costs, but New PdM programs typically identify many…
  • Gaining Real-Time Insights to Improve Operational Performance

    Since we’re nearing the end of vacation season, how many of you appreciate the digital transformation that has occurred over the years where you can quickly find the optimum transportation, lodging, meals, entertainment, etc. to make the most of your vacation. And how much faster can you do all these things than was possible even a few years ago? Manufacturers and producers are also pursuing digital transformation initiatives…
  • Gaining Real-Time Insights to Improve Operational Performance

    Since we’re nearing the end of vacation season, how many of you appreciate the digital transformation that has occurred over the years where you can quickly find the optimum transportation, lodging, meals, entertainment, etc. to make the most of your vacation. And how much faster can you do all these things than was possible even a few years ago? Manufacturers and producers are also pursuing digital transformation initiatives…
  • Gaining Real-Time Insights to Improve Operational Performance

    Since we’re nearing the end of vacation season, how many of you appreciate the digital transformation that has occurred over the years where you can quickly find the optimum transportation, lodging, meals, entertainment, etc. to make the most of your vacation. And how much faster can you do all these things than was possible even a few years ago? Manufacturers and producers are also pursuing digital transformation initiatives…
  • Analyzing Combustion – Looking for Leftover Oxygen

    In an article, Emerson’s Jesse Sumstad and Neil Widmer explain how accurate measurement of excess oxygen in flue gas can be used to improve combustion control. These days, industrial facilities operating combustion processes face multiple concerns, including: Burner efficiency Fuel costs Emission restrictions Public perception of a company’s carbon footprint and overall environmental responsibility…
  • Monitoring for Corrosion in Refineries

    Rosemount Wireless Corrosion & Erosion Monitoring Processing crude oil into fuels and other products requires addressing the corrosive contaminants that this crude can contain. Effective corrosion monitoring and management can help avoid potentially catastrophic safety and environmental incidents. In a Hydrocarbon Engineering article, A Fine Balance , Emerson’s Jake Davies describes ways to address the corrosion and…
  • Monitoring for Corrosion in Refineries

    Rosemount Wireless Corrosion & Erosion Monitoring Processing crude oil into fuels and other products requires addressing the corrosive contaminants that this crude can contain. Effective corrosion monitoring and management can help avoid potentially catastrophic safety and environmental incidents. In a Hydrocarbon Engineering article, A Fine Balance , Emerson’s Jake Davies describes ways to address the corrosion and…
  • Monitoring for Corrosion in Refineries

    Rosemount Wireless Corrosion & Erosion Monitoring Processing crude oil into fuels and other products requires addressing the corrosive contaminants that this crude can contain. Effective corrosion monitoring and management can help avoid potentially catastrophic safety and environmental incidents. In a Hydrocarbon Engineering article, A Fine Balance , Emerson’s Jake Davies describes ways to address the corrosion and…
  • ISAConnect Members-Only Peer Communities

    The International Society of Automation (ISA) is growing nice online communities in their members-only ISAConnect section of the website . One of the active groups, Chemical and Petroleum Industries Division (ChemPID) , is led by Emerson’s David Lee . David is an Operator Performance Senior Consultant. ChemPID’s mission is: …to contribute to the professional involved in the processing of chemicals, petrochemicals, petroleum…
  • ISAConnect Members-Only Peer Communities

    The International Society of Automation (ISA) is growing nice online communities in their members-only ISAConnect section of the website . One of the active groups, Chemical and Petroleum Industries Division (ChemPID) , is led by Emerson’s David Lee . David is an Operator Performance Senior Consultant. ChemPID’s mission is: …to contribute to the professional involved in the processing of chemicals, petrochemicals, petroleum…
  • ISAConnect Members-Only Peer Communities

    The International Society of Automation (ISA) is growing nice online communities in their members-only ISAConnect section of the website . One of the active groups, Chemical and Petroleum Industries Division (ChemPID) , is led by Emerson’s David Lee . David is an Operator Performance Senior Consultant. ChemPID’s mission is: …to contribute to the professional involved in the processing of chemicals, petrochemicals, petroleum…