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More example on how wireless for control is used for critical operation in aircraft

Interesting video on how wireless is used for mission critical control like remote control of an aircraft.

An unmanned control of Boeing QF-16 from ground station.

3 Replies

  • - Amended to include video - 


  • What does this have to do with WirelessHART? I think this is a bit silly to post here... this has nothing to do with process control.

  • In reply to Lars Haagen:

    Hi Haagen

    For now I have to agree !

    Well this is a video to paint a vision that unmanned aircraft is already extensively used in critical mission and WirelessHart is moving its way to critical control, its not a mission impossible in process control  :).

    Last time nobody think unmanned aircraft can be used in surveillance or assault mission. Now it's been used.