V13.3.1 / DeltaV Operate Error / error number: -2147212502 (8004232a)

Hi dear 

I have problem with Deltav Operate. when I open the Deltav Operate for opening this error will suddenly popup (pic), so i couldent open it. may I ask you please help me that how can I solve this problem?


  • There are two known issues related to this error with Hotfixes in development and/or testing.

    DeltaV Alarm Summary Data Server Process (DVALMSUMDATASVR.EXE) where it will leak memory if it continually receives hardware comm alarms from disconnected nodes.

    TFS402163: Heap Memory used by DeltaV session objects and Operate needs to be managed on disconnect sessions. Your computer is not releasing the memory allocated for DeltaV Sessions properly.

    Memory leaks can be confirmed with Perfmon   https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/technet-magazine/cc718984(v=msdn.10)

    Performance Monitor(when run through C:\Windows\sysWow64\perfmon.exe) will allow you to add a preconfigured DeltaVUIMetrics collection set.

    This issue seems to occur most often on Terminal Servers as they are running multiple sessions simultaneously

    Some fixes you might try

    1. Update to the latest Workstation Hotfix Version. This will mitigate other issues that have been resolved, WS 15 is the most current.

    2. Check the SCU paths of the machine if it’s pointing to the local node

    1. Login using a DeltaV and Windows administrator to the station
    2. Open the Run menu and type in SCU and press Enter
    3. On the System Configuration utility window, click the folder icon on the bottom left
    4. Check if the Picture, Database and Local paths are pointing to the local node

    3. Raise the Heap Size, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\FRSI\DeltaV\CurrentVersion from 4000000(Hex) to 10000000 (HEX)

    4. Reduced the Qty of cached pictures : 

    DeltaV Operate (Configure) under Workspace/User Preferences/Picture Preferences change the default picture cache of 5 to 1. 

    5. Run the DumpDataSources Utility on your system to see if you have errors in your graphics that are accelerating the issue.

    This is Knowledgebase Article AP-0800-0053 and can be downloaded from your Guardian Portal.