Rosemount Enhanced Electronic Remote Sensor Systems Provide Faster Accuracy Specification

Electronic Remote Sensors (ERS) Systems solve a variety of common problems with traditional DP Level applications. Specifying the right DP Level System, whether it be traditional or an ERS system, can be cumbersome and time consuming. Historically in order to achieve an accuracy specification for DP level measurements users would rely on third party application software. Today with the Enhanced ERS system users now can achieve a better accuracy system across temperature and at higher pressures (up to 800PSI) all from a data sheet. No third-party resources required. With the higher-pressure capability and better performance over legacy technologies, the enhanced becomes the go to technology for DP level measurements. With the ERS enhanced system users can specify and order an ERS system in half or sometimes 3-4x faster than before. To learn more about Enhanced ERS check out our website.