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Yes, You Can Have One Thermowell Design to Meet the Challenges of Multiple Applications – Watch This Twisted Square Video

As many industrial professionals know, designing temperature points and the selection and application of thermowells is a complex process. Thermowells in flow are subjected to dynamic and static forces that, if not accounted for, could lead to thermowell failure. The ASME PTC 19.3 TW is recognized as the global standard for designing safe and reliable thermowells. However, calculations done to avoid vortex induced vibration (VIV) issues are very challenging and often require modifying the thermowell design with reduced lengths and increased diameters which may be inappropriate for the application. These compromised thermowells can lead to inaccurate calculations and reduced response. In some cases, the velocity of flow was so high there has been no possible thermowell design solutions to meet the standard, thus leaving designers with no thermowell options at all.

Emerson has changed all that. In the video below, Timchan Bonkat, product manager for Emerson, walks you through a revolutionary design in thermowells that allows you to have proper immersion in piping by dramatically reducing VIV. The Emerson Twisted Square Thermowell is designed to suppress harmful vibrations exerted on the thermowell as a result of process conditions. In fact, it reduces dynamic stresses on the thermowell by 90%! The result is that you can use a single thermowell for a full range of applications – even the most challenging ones.

What kind of thermowell do you use?