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VIDEO: Common Thermowell Pains and How to Avoid Them

A thermowell and temperature sensor assembly is the most frequently used method of measuring a temperature internal within a process. Thermowells allow for direct sensor immersion into a process, thereby helping to provide an accurate measurement, but they also introduce many complex design challenges and risks associated with creating a possible leak point. In the video below, I'll discuss different approaches that can be taken to alleviate these common challenges and risks. Have comments or questions? Reply below...

1 Reply

  • Hello Ryan,
    Would like to know typical application of High temperature (>1000 'C) in process heaters or Furnace, where we are using ceramic thermowells or protective tubes. Normally these furnaces are under vacuum or low pressure with Flow.

    I have never come across any thermowell calculation for these ceramic type thermowell or protective tubes, neither it is covered under PTC code. How do you see this as critical or is there any way to certified this thermowell for wake frequency ?

    Even considering very low velocity, I would like to check for mechanically suitability, because normally these applications are in Furnace and heaters where due to refractory (8" to 16") insulation inside Furnace and heater, these protective tube are very big in length.