Portable Gas Analyser for Petrol Vehicles

Dear Sir,

I’m doing a project regarding Low Cost Portable Auto-mobile Gas Analyser for Petrol Vehicles. I wish to measure the hydrocarbon, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide levels and temperature and RPM of the engine.  I would like to know what sensors to use and if anyone has a circuit diagram this would be very much appreciated.

1) Should I use Infrared type gas sensor ?

2) If u know any link to get proper idea about this please let me know.

Thank You,


1 Reply

  • Hello,

    NDIR for CO and CO2 with X-Stream analyser XEGK that is portable. For HC, typical is FID analyser ( NGA or Model 400 ), but these are not portable.

    An alternative would be to select IR for CH4 and extrapolate results for HCs. This is more or less accrurate though. In such a case, all NDIR could be contained in one X-Stream portable XEGK analyser.

    A sample conditioning system is a must prior to analyser inlet.

    There are few white papers on internet availble in relation to engine testing.

    I hope this helps.

