  • Surge Relief for Oil and Gas Liquids Pipelines-Part 2

    Authors: Rossella Mimmi and Dave Seiler In part one of our series, Surge Relief for Oil and Gas Liquids Pipelines , we provided background on surge conditions in pipelines transporting liquids, their effects on pipelines and why these effects matter to pipeline operators. We’ll conclude this two-part series with a closer look at ways to prevent surge, methods of protection, surge systems and the need for pipeline…
  • Surge Relief for Oil and Gas Liquids Pipelines

    Authors: Rossella Mimmi and Dave Seiler Petroleum commodity releases can have serious consequences, so ensuring pipeline integrity is crucial for operators. Pipeline integrity is not just about preventing incidents, but is a holistic approach to the prevention, detection, and mitigation of these undesired commodity release such as surge. In this two-part series, we will provide background information on surge relief…
  • Urea Production Automation Challenges

    Urea is a key component in nitrogen-rich fertilizers. Typically, the urea production process begins with hydrogen from natural gas and nitrogen in the air to produce ammonia. Urea is produced from the combination of ammonia and carbon dioxide. Urea producers must balance throughput with efficiency and the quality of the urea produced. In a new whitepaper, 4 Solutions for Urea Automation Challenges , Emerson’s James…
  • Natural Gas Liquids Mass Measurement

    Natural gas liquids (NGLs) are composed of many hydrocarbons including ethane, propane, butane, pentane and natural gasoline. Measuring the volume of this hydrocarbon mixture required for its sale is challenging because of the impact of pressure, temperature and how the different-sized molecules pack together. Emerson’s Dean Minehart has written a whitepaper, Natural Gas Liquid Measurement: Direct and Inferred Mass…
  • How to Manage Coriolis Meter Totalizer Functions

    Let’s end the week with another “how to” video on managing the totalizer function on Micro Motion 1700/2700 field & integral mount flow transmitter display panels. In this 3:22 video, How to Manage Totalizers Using the Display of the Micro Motion 1700/2700 Transmitter , Emerson’s James De Loyola shows step by step how to setup and manage the totalizer function. This function is commonly used in custody transfer applications…
  • Flow Measurement Pressure-Temperature Compensation

    Peer-to-peer knowledge sharing provides valuable information beyond what is possible to find in owners’ manuals and other technical documentation from suppliers. You can find it every day in your Google searches about personal technologies that you use and technologies you use on your job. One of the great places for peer-to-peer knowledge sharing for DeltaV distributed control system users is the DeltaV group in the…
  • How to Rotate a Coriolis Flow and Density Meter Transmitter Display

    When measuring the flow of a liquid, gas or slurry, Coriolis flow and density meter sensors will work in any installed orientation as long as the flow tubes remain full of process fluid. The preferred orientation , when this is not the case, is shown in this illustration. When the meter has transmitter and display unit integrated with the meter, the display will need to be rotated depending on the orientation of the…
  • Integrating Leak Detection and Custody Transfer for Pipeline Monitoring

    Authors: Rossella Mimmi and Marc Buttler The importance of pipeline integrity is growing in the oil and gas industry. New regions of oil and gas production and growing demand are driving the construction of new pipelines and reversals of existing pipelines. Older pipeline systems are still in operation and often running at capacity. 41% of US oil pipelines were built in the 1950s and 1960s. A report that was prepared…
  • Advanced Phase Measurement in Flow Meters

    Measuring flow through a pipe can be challenging when liquid and gas phases are both present. For example, a production well’s produced fluids with methane coming out of solution as the pressure drops. Or the gas leg of a three-phase production separator which may still have some liquids entrained in the gas. In the first example, entrained gas, or bubbles in the process fluid, has a negative effect on liquid volume…
  • Managing Alarms on Micro Motion 1700 and 2700 Transmitters

    For most people trying to learn how to do something new, showing tops reading. This is why short videos in YouTube and other video services continue to grow in popularity compared with long, step-by-step written procedures. Here on the blog, I have a growing list of posts with “how to” videos (to subscribe via RSS ). We’ll add another to this list with this 4-minute video, How to Acknowledge Alarms Using the Display…
  • On-Site Flow Meter Calibration Demonstration

    Last week, I did a quick post at the Emerson Exchange conference in Brussels on performing on-site flow meter calibrations . I wanted to follow up with a quick, just over 2-minute video featuring Emerson’s Johan Enters demonstrating the equipment and services used to perform these on-site calibrations. This calibration solution eliminates the need to ship away these meters, which saves money, reduces downtime and…
  • Integrated Oil and Gas Well Testing

    Testing the composition oil, gas and produced water and basic sediment from oil & gas wells has traditionally required test separators. For offshore platforms and onshore well pads with multiple wells, this has meant complex manifolds and valves to route the production coming from an individual well between the test and production separators. Emerson’s Joseph Zawacki shared some background with me on an integrated…
  • Flow Measurement Update

    At the Emerson Exchange Brussels conference, Emerson’s Christian Grossenbacher gave an update on flow measurement advancements as well as new service capabilities to support process manufacturers and producers. Here’s the abstract of the session: Join us for a session to learn about exciting new developments in Flow Measurement. From an expanded portfolio of Flow products and solutions, state of the art production…
  • Moving Flow Meter Calibration On-Site

    At the Emerson Exchange Brussels conference, Emerson’s Jerome Desmoulieres co-presented with TEREOS, Flow Calibration On Site: How to maximize your turnaround. Their abstract: Turnarounds are more and more time limited. But production and quality departments’ requests remain for calibration and certification. TEREOS and NESTLE, in North of France, worked with Emerson to find a solution. Job was done on their plant…
  • Tips to Overcome Challenges in Product and Custody Transfers

    Author: Sachin Tere Product and custody transfer applications are spread across the oil and gas industry, from the fields to the refineries, to transport vessels to storage tanks and terminals. Here are some problems that hinder you from achieving efficiency in fluid production and movement, and corresponding tips on how to overcome them. Challenge 1: Interruptions during loading and unloading Traditional…
  • Liquid Ultrasonic Flow Meter Servicing

    “How-to” videos have established themselves as an indispensable part of troubleshooting and maintenance. How often to you Google and land on a YouTube video with someone showing you exactly how to make the repair? I discovered a new 8:35 video, How to replace an acquisition module in a Daniel 3804 Liquid Ultrasonic Meter . In the video, Emerson’s Jay Sindayen walks through the steps required to perform this repair operation…
  • Offshore Technology Conference 2016—Examine your Chemical Injection System

    Author: Laura Schafer Take a moment and ask yourself: How much does my company spend every year on chemicals? For most, chemical injection is a sunk cost of production–it’s a cost that’s hard to tackle because few of us are chemists. Both the dosage of chemical and the amount spent on chemical is difficult to determine! But in today’s low oil price environment, a critical examination of your chemical injection system…
  • Lease Automatic Custody Transfer Components and Operation

    The exchange of crude oil between seller and buyer is known as custody transfer. A simple example of this is the gas pump where you fill up your car. The pump must accurately measure the fuel and determine/collect payment for the amount transferred into your gas tank. Lease Automatic Custody Transfer (LACT) units facilitate this transfer in an automatic way, both in onshore and offshore oil & gas production operations…
  • Calculating Fluid Density Changes in Foundation Fieldbus Devices

    I received this question on density measurement and wanted to share what I found out. I understand all dP flow measurements are affected by the density of the fluid (liquid or gas) flowing through orifice, annubar, pitot tube, etc. Most dP measurements in process measurements make an assumption of the density of the fluid. I understand the measurement of density is a complicated and expensive. My question to you…
  • Repeating Golden Batch Production

    For batch-based processes, the “golden batch” is term often used to describe the ideal batch against which all other batches are compared. In a Control magazine article, Data Analytics in Batch Operations , it is defined: …as the time-based profile of the measurement values that were recorded for a particular batch that met product quality targets. When using this standard, a batch is judge by how closely the golden…
  • Process Automation Nextgen Leaders

    Given the important role that process automation plays in the products that process manufacturers and producers bring to the world, it’s important to have continuity in leadership. Each year, Control Engineering and Plant Engineering magazines recognize Engineering Leaders Under 40 to highlight that this continuity is alive and well. In their 2015 selection of leaders under 40 years of age , they share these statistics…
  • How to Perform Internal Flow Simulations on Vortex Flowmeters

    Let’s close this busy week with a look at how internal flow simulations in the Rosemount 8800D Vortex flowmeter help to provide health checks for these measurement devices. In these two videos, Emerson’s Lourdes Recio shows you step-by-step how to perform a health check of Rosemount 8800D vortex meter electronics using internal flow simulation by AMS Device Manager . In the first “how to” video, Health Check of Rosemount…
  • Measure, Monitor and Improve Energy Efficiency

    A recent Top Quartile post, The Path to (Energy) Recovery: Reduce Waste to Boost the Bottom Line , shared a statistic from the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy : …the energy used by U.S. manufacturing plants costs the nation an additional $180 billion annually , while improving energy intensity by 20 percent or more is typically available. That could add up to savings of about $45 billion a year. …
  • Marine Fuel Consumption Measurement

    While I’m traveling through Asia this week, I’ll keep this post short by highlighting a new animated YouTube video (3:09) on Marine Fuel Consumption Measurement using Micro Motion mass flow and density measurement technology. The Micro Motion Fuel Consumption Solution provides the data you need and is 5 to 15 times more accurate than other technologies out there. You can connect and interact with other flow…
  • Enhanced Oil Recovery Improved with Wireless Conditioning Orifice Technology

    Emerson’s Eric Beltz and Shelby Traverso teamed up on an Emerson Exchange presentation, Enhanced Oil Recovery Improved with Wireless Conditioning Orifice Technology. Here is their presentation abstract: A Middle Eastern petroleum company has improved its enhanced oil recovery by replacing its cone meters with wireless conditioning orifice technology. Steam Injection is a principal enhanced oil recovery tactic and commonly…