  • Coriolis Flow Meters: Achieve Dependable Performance from Your Mass Flow Meter

    Coriolis Flow Meter Expertise To ensure that your Coriolis flow meter keeps functioning within optimal parameters and maintains accurate flow rate measurement we’ve gathered some best practice tips based on our years of experience as well as input from... Read the full text.
  • Magnetic Flow Meter Use, Set up & Maintenance Tips

    Magnetic Flow Meter Expertise To ensure that your magnetic flow meter , also known as an electromagnetic flow meter, keeps functioning within optimal parameters we’ve gathered some best practice tips based on our years of experience as well as input... Read the full text.
  • Magnetic Flow Meter Use, Set up & Maintenance Tips

    Magnetic Flow Meter Expertise To ensure that your magnetic flow meter , also known as an electromagnetic flow meter, keeps functioning within optimal parameters we’ve gathered some best practice tips based on our years of experience as well as input... Read the full text.
  • LNG Custody Transfer Calibration and Measurement

    In many parts of the world, technologies to open shale formations for oil and gas production have yielded vast quantities of natural gas. The liquefaction process makes it practical to ship liquefied natural gas (LNG) across the globe. In a SmartBrief article, Emerson’s Buttler outlines the importance of calibration and measurement in growth of LNG market , Emerson’s Marc Buttler discussed the requirements for precise…
  • LNG Custody Transfer Calibration and Measurement

    In many parts of the world, technologies to open shale formations for oil and gas production have yielded vast quantities of natural gas. The liquefaction process makes it practical to ship liquefied natural gas (LNG) across the globe. In a SmartBrief article, Emerson’s Buttler outlines the importance of calibration and measurement in growth of LNG market , Emerson’s Marc Buttler discussed the requirements for precise…
  • Flow Measurement Product Selection Made Easy

    Simplifying Your Search for Flow Measurement Devices In a previous blog , we talked about making your job easier with our easy-to-use digital tools that support the flow meter selection process. Now, we’d like to introduce you to our product catalog... Read the full text.
  • Flow Measurement Product Selection Made Easy

    Simplifying Your Search for Flow Measurement Devices In a previous blog , we talked about making your job easier with our easy-to-use digital tools that support the flow meter selection process. Now, we’d like to introduce you to our product catalog... Read the full text.
  • Reducing Lost and Unaccounted-for Gas with Coriolis Flow Measurement

    Every three years, the World Gas Conference convenes. It is : …the most important global gas industry gathering of influential leaders, policy-makers, buyers, sellers and experts. Emerson’s Marc Buttler will present at this year’s conference, June 25-29 in Washington DC. His presentation, Calibration Options for Coriolis Meters in Natural Gas Measurement, will discuss how: Coriolis meters are creating…
  • Navigating the Sensor Selection Process for Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS)

    Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) in Plant Operations Few would dispute the importance of Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) in plant operations today. They are the vital last layer of prevention behind the control system – protecting the integrity of... Read the full text.
  • Navigating the Sensor Selection Process for Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS)

    Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) in Plant Operations Few would dispute the importance of Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) in plant operations today. They are the vital last layer of prevention behind the control system – protecting the integrity of... Read the full text.
  • Multipoint Piecewise Linearization for Coriolis Flow Meters

    Yesterday, we looked at calibration of Coriolis mass flow meters in natural gas applications and mentioned piecewise linearization (PWL), but did not delve into it. Let’s do with today’s post. I found a presentation by Emerson’s Tonya Wyatt , Fine Tuning Coriolis Flow Meter Calibrations Utilizing Piece-Wise Linearization . The PWL calibration method basically looks at the flow rate at points over its operating range…
  • Coriolis Mass Flow Measurement and Calibration in Natural Gas Applications

    In this 27-minute YouTube presentation video, Custody Transfer Measurement and Calibration Round Robin Testing for Natural Gas with Coriolis Meter , Emerson’s Marc Buttler explains Coriolis meter calibration process and Piece Wise Linearization (PWL). His discussion includes Coriolis meter principles of operations, AGA Report No. 11— Measurement of Natural Gas by Coriolis Meter , conversion of mass to gas standard volume…
  • Flow Measurement Analytics in Action!

    Flow Measurement Accuracy and Flow Meter Integrity Over the last few weeks in a series of blogs, we have featured the unique capabilities of Micro Motion’s Smart Meter Verification (SMV) diagnostics and its’ impact across plants in the food & beverage... Read the full text.
  • Flow Measurement Analytics in Action!

    Flow Measurement Accuracy and Flow Meter Integrity Over the last few weeks in a series of blogs, we have featured the unique capabilities of Micro Motion’s Smart Meter Verification (SMV) diagnostics and its’ impact across plants in the food & beverage... Read the full text.
  • Applying Density Meters in Liquid Hydrocarbon Measurement

    We often discuss aspects of some of the basic measurements in process control—flow, temperature, pressure, level, etc. Some other very important measurements in applications such as custody transfer, liquid interface detection, blending, separating, evaporating and product change—are density and viscosity—due to the changing composition of hydrocarbon liquids. In a whitepaper, Application of Density Meters to Liquid…
  • Addressing the Elephant in the Plant: Is IIoT Slowing You Down?

    IIoT and Plant Operations Today There’s no doubt that the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is already realizing benefits and providing huge future potential for plant operators today. Industry analysts, IDC predict that the IIoT market will grow... Read the full text.
  • Addressing the Elephant in the Plant: Is IIoT Slowing You Down?

    IIoT and Plant Operations Today There’s no doubt that the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is already realizing benefits and providing huge future potential for plant operators today. Industry analysts, IDC predict that the IIoT market will grow... Read the full text.
  • It’s Time to See Flow Meters Reach Their Full Potential!

    Mass Flow Measurement & Diagnostics Today When it comes to flow meters, process engineers have historically tended to focus on the instruments, and the mass flow and density measurements they generate. Yet are they are missing a trick? Could they... Read the full text.
  • Optimizing Wort Sugar Concentration in Craft Beer Brewing

    In the U.S, a craft brewer or beer-maker, is defined as small, independent and traditional. A Fortune article highlighted the growth in craft brewing in the United States: As of the end of 2017, there were 6,266 craft breweries operating in the U.S., more than double the total from 2013—and a 16% increase from 2016. Just under 1,000 opened in 2017 alone (with 126 going out of business). This increasing competition…
  • Optimizing Wort Sugar Concentration in Craft Beer Brewing

    In the U.S, a craft brewer or beer-maker, is defined as small, independent and traditional. A Fortune article highlighted the growth in craft brewing in the United States: As of the end of 2017, there were 6,266 craft breweries operating in the U.S., more than double the total from 2013—and a 16% increase from 2016. Just under 1,000 opened in 2017 alone (with 126 going out of business). This increasing competition…
  • How Smart Meter Technology Makes the Life of a Plant Maintenance Manager Easier

    Flow Meter Maintenance Today It’s not surprising that today’s plant maintenance managers might be prone to the odd sleepless night! While Coriolis meters have more than demonstrated their ability to deliver accurate measurements in demanding process... Read the full text.
  • Keeping on Top of Your Compliance Requirements

    When it comes to regulations in the process industries related to health, safety, the environment and operations, you could be forgiven for thinking that you’re up against something of a moving target. From food & beverages and the Food & Drug Administration... Read the full text.
  • The Quest for More Powerful, Proactive and Accessible Diagnostics in the Process Industries

    The Need for Industrial Process Diagnostics It’s no secret that process industries today – whether they be oil & gas, food & beverage, chemical processing or others – are facing pressures like never before to increase production and process throughput... Read the full text.
  • Liquid Density Measurement – Combining the ‘Tried and Tested’ With the Latest Innovations

    Liquid Density Meters: A Must-Have in the Plant From measuring corrosive fluid or lime slurry concentrations through to accurate custody transfer, flue gas desulfurization or the characterization of crudes to optimize refinery operations, the majority... Read the full text.
  • Use Our Digital Tools to Help You Get Your Job Done

    Easy-to-Use Tools Featuring Unparalleled Measurement Technology & Product Selection In a  prev ious blog , we talked about making your job easier with our new and improved Sizing & Selection tool that helps you find the best fitting flow meter by allowing... Read the full text.