  • Avoiding Depressurization on DP Flowmeter Removal

    More and more we see knowledge exchange occur through social networks including LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Google+. Here’s an example of a tweet from this summer asking about the removal process for a Rosemount flowmeter. @EmersonProcess @Emerson_News Hi, is necessary depressurize the line to remove an 585 Annubar flanged flo-tap assembly? — Anderson Pirela (@ajpirela27) July 14, 2015 After our listening…
  • Increasing High-Pressure Flow Measurement Calibration Capacity

    FORCE Technology high-pressure gas meter calibration facility This May, the world’s largest closed loop for high-pressure calibration of gas meters opened at Force Technology in Vejen, Denmark. The facility’s purpose is to calibrate all types of gas meters that measure or settle gas types (natural gas), including: Turbine meters Swirl meters Ultrasound meters V-cone and M-cone meters Vortex meters …
  • Improving Measurement and Final Control in Refinery Blending

    As global refiners strive to meet ever-tightening regulations, the performance of measurement and final control devices can have a big impact in meeting this challenge. The third Refinery Blending Series webinar recording, Improving measurement and control in blending operations Improving measurement and control in blending operations is now available. Emerson’s Julie Valentine and John Ward review the current business…
  • Optimizing Oil and Gas Well Chemical Injection Processes

    Given the presence of water in oil and gas producing wells, corrosion in the piping is a problem that must be mitigated. Producers inject chemicals into the production stream to minimize the oxidation process. The cost of these chemicals can have an impact on the overall performance of the offshore platform or onshore production field, especially in this era of lower oil prices. In this quick 2:18 video, Optimizing…
  • Confirming Coriolis Flow and Density Meter Zero Integrity

    Verification of your measurement values is critical for accuracy to keep your production process running smoothly and efficiently. When off-spec product is produced, often the measurement device gets the blame. A recent video, Micro Motion Zero Verification Confirms Zero Integrity for Improved Process Insight , shows how Micro Motion Zero Verification helps to confirm the meter zero integrity in low flow conditions…
  • Doubling Bunkering Deliveries with Certified Marine Bunker Measurement

    Heavy fuel oil and marine gas oil are used in many marine applications. Wikipedia relates the term bunkering : …to storage of petroleum products in tanks (among other, disparate meanings.) The precise meaning can be further specialized depending on context. Perhaps the most common, more specialized usage refers to the practice and business of refueling ships. Bunkering operations are located at seaports, and they include…
  • Solving Refinery Coating Challenges in Flow Meters

    The post Solving Refinery Coating Challenges in Flow Meters appeared first on the Emerson Process Experts blog. Collaborative problem solving occurs in all kinds of ways—face-to-face, over the phone, via email, and online in blogs, on-line communities, wikis, and social networks. Tom O’Banion Industry Director I mention this because I saw some great guidance on flow meter coating challenges in refining applications…
  • Remote Expertise for Metering and Allocation Management

    In today’s Wall Street Journal article, U.S. Oil Prices Fall Below $50 a Barrel , it chronicles the continuing decline in oil prices over the past 6 months. This increases the pressure on oil & gas producers to find ways to reduce production costs and optimize operations. Charles Johnson Flow Measurement & Solutions Consultant In an Offshore Engineering magazine article, Remote Surveillance of measurement and allocation…
  • LACT Units versus Tank Gauging for Custody Transfer at Well Pads

    Rossella Mimmi Oil & Gas Industry Manager, Flow Solutions Group Author: Rossella Mimmi The economic impact of custody transfer in the oil and gas industry is huge. Transferred fluids are expensive, so producers, carriers and end users want to make sure that quantity and quality are measured very precisely. Also, as taxes and royalties are calculated on these values, measurement accuracy and reproducibility are…
  • Flow Measurement Sustainability

    Flow measurement systems require ongoing attention, especially in critical applications such as fiscal measurement and custody transfer . In a Scandinavian Oil-Gas magazine article, Sustaining Quality Flow Measurement in Critical Applications , Emerson’s Jason Laidlaw explains the need for good measurement repeatability and low uncertainty for oil & gas producers to meet their engineering assessment, review, and audit…
  • Effective Oil and Gas Separator and Heater Treater Measurements

    Going back to 1980s when I worked on offshore oil & gas production projects, it seemed that well test measurements could be a tricky business. Even with today’s technologies, the increase in unconventional oil & gas production continues to make well test measurements a challenge. Michael Machuca Upstream O&G Industry Marketing Manager In an E&P magazine article, Benefits of best practice maximize production and profits…
  • Multiphase Metering 101 by Roxar and Rosemount

    Emerson's Svein Erik Gregersen and John Goetz discussed oil & gas multiphase metering. Their abstract: For over 20 years, Roxar has delivered innovative multiphase (oil, gas, and water) flow measurement solutions to offshore & subsea oil and gas customers. Over this period, multiphase flow technology has undergone an impressive evolution with meters becoming increasingly accurate, compact, and easy to use. Come learn…
  • Flowmeter Calibration Questions and Answers

    Karl Stappert Flow Solutions Advisor When it comes to measurement instrumentation, calibration is a frequent topic of discussion. In a Flow Control magazine article, Q&A: A Roundtable Discussion on Flowmeter Calibration , Emerson’s Karl Stappert of the...
  • How Differential Pressure Flow Works

    One of the most proven ways to measure flow rate is through differential pressure measurement. By creating an obstruction in the flow of fluid, a difference in pressure is created upstream and downstream of the obstruction. In this 3:12 educational YouTube...
  • How Reproducible is Your Repeatable Measurement System?

    When it comes to flowmetering systems in your facility, what is the best way to measure its true performance? Karl Stappert Flow Solutions Advisor In a Flow Control magazine article, R & R: How reproducible is your highly repeatable metering system...
  • LACT Unit Base Volume versus Base Prover Volume

    Update: I should have also mentioned that Rossella will be conducting an October 15 webinar, Optimizing Wellpad Custody Transfer of Liquid Hydrocarbons . If you’re in the onshore oil & gas industry, you’ll want to register and bring your custody transfer...
  • Vortex Flow Measurement for Gas, Liquid and Steam Applications

    When it comes to measuring flow, you have many choices among technologies. For gas, liquid, and steam flow metering applications, vortex technology is an option. If you’re unfamiliar with how Vortex flow meters work, Wikipedia describes it : Another...
  • Reliable Fiscal Metering at Highly Complex Reliance Refinery

    Khadra Helminski Integrated Marketing Manager Author: Khadra Helminski Trilochan Gupta Product and Business Development Director in Asia-Pacific for Daniel products Emerson’s Trilochan Gupta shared a case study with the readers of Hydrocarbon Processing...
  • LNG Custody Transfer Reduced Measurement Uncertainty

    Liquefied natural gas (LNG) custody transfer has traditionally involved fiscal risk given the uncertainties in traditional tank measurement technologies. Quantities are invoiced in units of transferred LNG energy based on a calculation of volume, density...
  • Effective Measurement of Mining Slurries

    Author: Douglas Morris Automation and control in mining can be difficult on a number of fronts. The first being constantly changing ore which varies in grade and hardness and causes different parts of the processing plant to become limiting to operations...
  • How Pitot Tube Flow Measurement Works

    In prior posts, we’ve shared many flow measurement technologies, including averaging pitot tube flowmeters. Emerson’s Katie Hausman shared a new video that the Rosemount measurement brand team has put together that explains how averaging pitot tube technology...
  • Reducing LNG Measurement Uncertainty

    Author: Khadra Helminski The article, Reducing Measurement Uncertainty, puts the current liquefied natural gas (LNG) trade in perspective as we look at dynamic (flow metering) and static (tank level) measurement methods of LNG and the technologies used...
  • Understanding Multivariable Transmitters

    Flow is a key measurement for most process manufacturers. In this quick, 1:38 YouTube video, How Multivariable Transmitters Work, Emerson’s team who manages the Rosemount brand of products give an explanation of how multivariable pressure transmitters...
  • How to Prove Your LACT Meter

    Author: Rossella Mimmi Lease Automatic Custody Transfer (LACT) units provide a method to transfer the ownership of crude oil from the production facilities to pipelines or trucks. Their use is constantly increasing due to the many advantages they present...
  • Measuring Flow on Fluid Streams

    According to an ISA presentation given by Process Automation Hall of Fame member, Greg McMillan, the most common measurement device is the differential pressure (DP) transmitter. It is most commonly used in level and flow measurement. Measuring the differential...