  • Intuitive Magnetic Flow Meter Operation and Diagnostics

    Many technologies are available to measure flow. Electromagnetic flow meters, also known as magnetic flow meters or magmeters , are well suited for a variety of applications across a range of industries including pulp and paper, metals and mining, water and wastewater, food and beverage, chemical and petrochemical and oil and gas. Because the magnetic flow meter design does not leave any protrusions or obstructions in…
  • Intuitive Magnetic Flow Meter Operation and Diagnostics

    Many technologies are available to measure flow. Electromagnetic flow meters, also known as magnetic flow meters or magmeters , are well suited for a variety of applications across a range of industries including pulp and paper, metals and mining, water and wastewater, food and beverage, chemical and petrochemical and oil and gas. Because the magnetic flow meter design does not leave any protrusions or obstructions in…
  • Vortex Flow Meters in Safety Instrumented Functions

    Safety instrumented systems provide a layer of protection beyond the control system to safely shutdown the process during abnormal situations. A safety instrumented function (SIF) or “safety loop” includes the sensing device, logic solver and final control element to perform safety function upon demand. Flow measurement devices are often the sensing devices in these SIFs. Some flow measurement technologies may experience…
  • Vortex Flow Meters in Safety Instrumented Functions

    Safety instrumented systems provide a layer of protection beyond the control system to safely shutdown the process during abnormal situations. A safety instrumented function (SIF) or “safety loop” includes the sensing device, logic solver and final control element to perform safety function upon demand. Flow measurement devices are often the sensing devices in these SIFs. Some flow measurement technologies may experience…
  • Flow Meter Sizing and Selection Just Went from Good to Great

    Choosing the Right Flow Meter At Emerson, our job is to make your job easier… and, we just did! Check out our new and improved Sizing & Selection tool featuring Coriolis, Density, Magnetic, and Vortex technologies. Our customers require digital tools... Read the full text.
  • How-To Video on Coriolis and Magmeter Smart Meter Verification

    Flow measurement is a key part of many processes—including those where the custody of the product changes ownership. For these fiscal measurements, accurate and repeatable flow measurement is imperative. Rosemount magnetic flow meters and Micro Motion Coriolis flow meters include Smart Meter Verification (SMV), a diagnostic tool which identify flow meter performance and integrity in-line, on a schedule and without interrupting…
  • How-To Video on Coriolis and Magmeter Smart Meter Verification

    Flow measurement is a key part of many processes—including those where the custody of the product changes ownership. For these fiscal measurements, accurate and repeatable flow measurement is imperative. Rosemount magnetic flow meters and Micro Motion Coriolis flow meters include Smart Meter Verification (SMV), a diagnostic tool which identify flow meter performance and integrity in-line, on a schedule and without interrupting…
  • Onshore Direct from the Wellhead Multiphase Flow Measurement

    Indications keep coming in that the oil & gas production business, particularly in unconventional oil & gas production, continues to improve. This RBN Energy article, Ready To Run – Strong Capex Boost By ConocoPhillips Headlines Early 2018 Guidance is one example of this business improvement trend. The article notes how oil & gas producers have continued to lower their “costs of supply” of production. Technology advancements…
  • Multiphase Metering for Onshore Oil and Gas Wells

    U.S. oil production, led by shale production, “…could pass 9.9 million barrels per day in December 2017”, according to Rystad Energy . Oil and gas producers have continued to find ways to reduce capital expenditures on new production and optimize ongoing operational costs. In an E&P article, Multiphase Metering Advances In Onshore Fields , Emerson’s Lars Anders Ruden describes how offshore production proven multiphase…
  • Accurate Flow Measurement in Gas Plunger Lift Applications

    As gas production wells age, there is a natural decline in reservoir pressure over time. In a Flow Control article, Proper Instrumentation is Key to Profitable Plunger Lift Applications , Emerson’s Wally Baker , Eric Beltz and Tom McCulloch describe the challenges in flow measurement during plunger lift operations and the economic impact from inaccurate measurements. They open the article describing the phases of a…
  • Connectivity from Wireless Transmitters to Controllers via EthernetIP

    For manufacturers in the discrete and hybrid manufacturing industries, packaging is an important part of their processes. For reliable and flexible operations connecting the information from the various packaging lines is important. Sensors with online diagnostics play a key role and wireless sensors has enabled easier availability to measurements to increase reliability and operational performance. At the PACK EXPO…
  • More Efficient Terminal Product Transfer Operations

    The Bulk Liquids Storage Terminals webinar series continues next week on Wednesday, August 30 at 1pm CDT. The webinar, Reduce Uncertainty in Product Transfer , will be hosted by Emerson’s Marc Buttler . He will discuss the latest solutions to help achieve efficient and profitable liquid loading and unloading product transfer operations. These include technologies that enable consistent and precise metering—while automatically…
  • Characterizing and Configuring Micro Motion Coriolis Meter How-To Video

    Here’s another in the great series of Micro Motion flow and density measurement “how to” videos . This 8:14 video, Micro Motion Coriolis Meter Characterization and Configuration Using the Transmitter Display describes how to characterize and configure a Micro Motion Coriolis meter , using the Model 5700 field-mount transmitter display. The goal of the video is to know how to check the meter status, to learn how to characterize…
  • How to Install Micro Motion Transmitters Video

    In the continuing series of “how to” videos across the Emerson Automation Solutions YouTube channels, the Micro Motion channel has a recent Installing a Micro Motion Coriolis transmitter video (run time 6:51). This video walks you through the steps in how to install a Micro Motion transmitter . It will help you to become familiar with the planning process, understand how to properly mount the transmitter, and know…
  • Learn From our Flow Experts at the International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement

    Improve your measurement practices by tapping into our deep application expertise at the International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement (ISHM) in Oklahoma City, May 16-18, 2017. Join our flow experts for hands-on classes and presentation sessions and... Read the full text.
  • Avoiding Missed Gas Volume Flow Measurements in Plunger Lift Wells

    Measuring flow rates on producing gas wells can be difficult on plunger lift applications. The mechanical plungers are used to remove water slugs which build up and reduce production rates. When the plunger pulls up the well bore, the differential pressure (DP) flow measurement can spike beyond the range of the DP transmitter. This spike is caused by a surge in the flow of natural gas behind the plunger. This short…
  • Advances in Oil and Gas Produced Fluids Multiphase Measurement

    It’s encouraging to see the comeback in shale oil & gas production here in the U.S. Oil & gas producers have made great strides in lowering the costs of drilling, hydraulic fracturing & completion and ongoing well pad production. A recent CPI Financial article noted: Shale oil output in the US may grow sequentially by 600 thousand b/d from 4Q16 to 4Q17 on increased activity in oil rigs and fast productivity gains…
  • Under Pressure: New Developments in High-Pressure Chemical Injections

    Over in LinkedIn, Emerson’s Travis Stone has posted part 3, Under Pressure: Emerson Announces a New Development in High Pressure Chemical Injections , in our series on improving chemical injection processes. These posts highlight the issues associated with underinjecting chemicals and the excessive costs associated with over injection. Optimimum rates of injection help assure piping integrity by inhibiting deposits…
  • Chemical Injection: Why Waste Money on Injecting Excessive Chemicals?

    Author: Clément Villevière The answer is clear, offshore producers want to guard against risky chemical under-injection and they lack confidence in the reliability of traditional chemical injection systems. Over the past few years, the oil & gas industry has experienced a major shift from a relativity high cost operating environment to the current low-cost environment where profitability has reduced, and rendered…
  • Vortex Flow Meter Principles of Operation

    In yesterday’s post , we looked at three different flow measurement technologies used in fiscal metering applications—differential pressure (DP), Coriolis, and Ultrasonic. Today let’s look at flow measurement with vortex flow meters. There is a new, very educational video on the Rosemount YouTube channel, Introduction to Vortex Flow Meter Technology . This 4:49 video explains the basic principles of operation behind…
  • Natural Gas Flowmeter Selection

    Flow measurement is critical in fiscal measurement applications from custody transfer to allocations between parties. The choice of technologies is broad and dependent on the fluid being measured and properties of the application. In an Applied Automation article, Selecting flowmeters for natural gas , Emerson’s Dan Hackett describes the need for different flow measurement technologies across different parts of the…
  • Multiphase Flow Measurement for Oil and Gas Well Pads

    In oil and gas production well pads and offshore platforms, separators perform the work of breaking out the oil, gas and water into separate component streams. Test separators have historically taken flows from individual wells, known as well tests, to determine the percentages of these components on a periodic basis. These components are then returned into the production flow streams. The processing facility with test…
  • Controlling Liquid Pipeline Surge Pressure

    The RBN Energy blog is a must read for those in the oil & gas upstream, midstream and downstream industries as they analyze the trends and global dynamics impacting companies. Posts such as The Flows They Are A-Changin’ – Westward Natural Gas Flows Into Texas On The Rise describe the flow reversals in natural gas in the U.S. as LNG plants are built along the Gulf coast and vast amounts of shale gas are produced in the…
  • Modular Multiphase Oil and Gas Well Flow Metering

    With many oil and gas producers facing tighter margins due to prices, any capital and operational expenditures must be closely scrutinized. To maximize the life and production rates of the well and improve reservoir decision-making, it is important to characterize and understand reservoirs and access accurate production information. Multiphase flow meters, measure oil, gas and water cuts can aid in supplying production…
  • Accurate Multiphase Flow Measurement

    Many industries, such as oil & gas production, require flow measurement for fluids with gas and liquid phases. In this quick 1:49 video, 5700 with Advanced Phase Measurement , Emerson’s Kevin Borden describes how advanced phase measurement (APM) technology provides multiphase Coriolis flow measurement for challenging gas or liquid applications. APM technology is available in the Micro Motion Model 5700 advanced field…