Micro Motion™︎ Coriolis Flow Meters Are Now Easier to Select and Install, Providing Even More Value to Chemical Industry End Users

One aspect of consumer electronics that we all appreciate is how designers have worked to make things easier to use. It wasn’t that long ago when adding some peripheral device to a computer called for fiddling with drivers and configuration, whereas today many devices are plug and play. The same also happens with industrial equipment, and we can use Micro Motion Coriolis mass flow meters as an example. 

Coriolis flow meters have some very strategic and unique capabilities that make them ideal for a variety of complex measurement applications, but taking advantage of all these features can be challenging. Emerson has worked to ease these issues, as explained in this recent article in Chemical Engineering, Coriolis Flowmeters: Insights for Selection and Upgrade. 

Coriolis meters are one of the few flow meter types that can directly measure the mass flow of either gases, liquids, or slurries. They also simultaneously directly measure density and temperature, providing three vitally important measurements within a single meter. Most importantly, the mass-flow measurement remains accurate despite process variation, allowing production units to consistently close the loop on process mass balances and optimize production. 

These capabilities are all needed, and even more features are now available. For starters, the range of sensor designs has increased to reduce size, and to support specialized application and configuration options. A great option for chemical manufacturers is the recently released Micro Motion G-Series Coriolis Flow and Density Meter, an ultracompact and lightweight solution offering simple installation and integration. Additionally, a range of Micro Motion Coriolis sensors is available with characteristics that cater to different needs and applications. Micro Motion Flow Meters 

Transmitters also have new, valuable options for the chemical industry. For instance, the Micro Motion 4700 Coriolis Transmitter offers a compact C1D1 (Zone 1) housing, scalability from 1-3 output channels, BluetoothRegistered Technology, and retrofitting to existing Micro Motion sensors. 

The article goes into more detail on Coriolis additional new features, but a chat with one of our application engineers will be very informative.  

If faced with the need to specify a new Coriolis flow meter or upgrade an existing sensor, users should fully understand the assortment of sensor and transmitter options that have recently become available. Coriolis meters have always been a premier flow-measurement device, but the latest technological advances make these meters even more capable and affordable. 

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The post Micro MotionTm Coriolis Flow Meters Are Now Easier to Select and Install, Providing Even More Value to Chemical Industry End Users appeared first on the Emerson Automation Experts blog.