Use of Edge Control Technology in Mining Applications

 In a previous blog post based on a recent Emerson Exchange Virtual presentation by Charlie Emerson, we discussed how the use of embedded PLCs and little data strategy using edge control technology is ideal for overcoming many of the unique challenges of the mining industries. The complex infrastructure and widely separated location of mining sites in often hostile environments makes the use of a cloud-based networking solution impractical and far too costly for many mining applications. At the same time, the need for IIoT data analysis and the insights such data can give are essential to enhancing productivity, reducing downtime, and compensating for a lack of available skills and expertise. As a result, moving analytics and control to the edge is essential. More detail on how edge control, technology makes IIoT and big data practical and affordable can be seen here.

What the previous blog did not discuss was the use and benefits of edge technology in specific mining applications. Below are four interesting graphics synopsizing the ways in which edge control technology addresses the challenges of 4 applications – ore tracking, vibration data, blending and stockyard optimization, and power optimization. The overall impact is effective predictive maintenance, a significant reduction in downtime, and an important increase in productivity.


Learn more about how edge computing can provide new value in mining & metals applications in this white paper, and get more information on the industrial edge computing and control solutions section on the Emerson web site.