How to extract module's alarm properties

I have to extract alarm list for an old plant.

Can anyone let me know how to extract alarm properties (threshold of LOLO, LO, HI, HIHI and status if those alarms are enabled or not) of AI block or PID block from DeltaV explorer?

  • You can create an "User Defined" export file where you select all parameters you need.
  • Hi Junggyu, you will need to use the User Defined export utility to export a list of control modules using a custom format specification.

    You can specify many module parameters in the speciation file, including thresholds and enable status.

    Hope that helps.

  • Hi Junggyu,

    To create a new format specification if one is not available, follow these steps;

  • In reply to Tony Lyons:

    Hi Adrian and Tony

    Thanks for your kind answer.
    I tried to use the user defined Export option before. But I couldn't find where to define alarm parameters.
    I will try it with Format Specification in this time. I will update the progress.
  • In reply to Junggyu Yu:

    Just an additional information -

    When you open your imported file in Excel, you may see "< >" for some parameters.

    This means that for this parameter default value from Library object (Class/template) is used. If you open that particular parameter you will find " Use default value from lib" check box checked in.
  • In reply to AdrianOffield:

    I managed to use the Export option with the User Defined Export in this time with Module_Alarm.fmt for the format specification in the existing library.

    In fact, previously I didn't know which format specification I can use. However I think Module_Alarm.fmt worked to export some useful alarm data.