Bulk Import Interlock DCC block


I saw the DCC function block interlock parameters when you click on properties

Are not browseable. I was wondering how I might be able to bulkedit the expression,delay on/off, description, etc.


6 Replies

  • Hi,

    If you want to browse the DCC parameters, you first need to set the number of conditions to value different from 0.

    When you change this parameter, you will see additional parameters available corresponding to the conditions that you want to use.

    This number of interlock conditions is called I_USED_CND, and it is one of the DCC block, Note that you can also bulk edit this parameter.

    If you bulk edit the conditions, you should do that in 2 steps:

    - first you update via bulk edit the I_USED_CND of your modules, so that the condition parameters will be added to the DCC blocks

    - second you import via bulk edit the other parameters

    This I_USED_CND has been added for multiple reasons:

    - The DCC block can support up to 16 interlock conditions, but you see at the instance level only the parameters of the conditions that you want to use => no confusion: you see what you can configure

    - The controller loading is adjusted to this number of used conditions, therefore, you load the controller only with what you need

    By using the DCC in a class-module, this gives you the flexibility to have a generic structure and to configure the instances to exactly what you need for that instance. Moreover, you can change the number of conditions at the instance level (in configuration) at any time without affecting the class module or the other entities, and still, it will consume exactly what you need and not more.

    Note that it is exactly the same principle for the permissive and force setpoint conditions in this DCC block.

    And it is also the same thing in the AT block.

    Hope this will help!



  • In reply to Frederic Menard:

    Query: Do we need to modify Control Module class (Containing DCC block) to update parameter DCC/I_USED_CND to a non-zero value (may be maximum interlocks used by any module instance in database) to create format specification file and further bulk edit activities ? or it can be done without modifying control module class in library ?
  • In reply to vmvmhatre:

    You don't need to modify the Control Module class containing the DCC block.
    You can leave the default value of DCC/I_USED_CND in the Control Module class to 0, so when you create an instance of this class, by default you will not have any condition to configure.
    Then if you need to add interlock conditions to your instance, you can configure DCC/I_USED_CND at the instance level to the number of interlock conditions that you need. No need to change the Control Module class.


  • In reply to Frederic Menard:

    When you change the parameter DCC/I_USED_CND to a value different from 0, you will see additional parameters (in the example below, DCC/I_USED_CND = 3) that you can configure and bulk edit:

    These parameters correspond to the columns that you see on the properties window of the DCC block.

    The suffix (1, 2, 3, ...) is the condition number, e.g. DCC1/I_DESC_1 is the description of the first interlock condition.

    Note that column Name is only there to indicate the condition number and cannot be configured.

    If you want to give a name to your condition, use the description parameter.

    You can see these parameters from the Detail Display:


  • In reply to Frederic Menard:

    if I understand correctly while creating format file, subtype field can be browsed to a module instance (where DCC/I_USED_CND is already modified at instance level which is non-zero) instead of using module template of that class. by this way parameters related to used interlocks become visible for adding in format file. So module class (so template) not required to update.
  • In addition to changing I_USED, when you first create the DCC block in your class, you also still need to "add" all 16 conditions and give them a default condition of "false". I believe once you do this you will have no problem with bulk editing and you can still set your default value for I_USED to 0. You can see that if you have expressions in say condition 2 and I_USED = 0 or 1, it will still be there except greyed out.