AVP utilizing PCSD module templates

I am looking to get some thoughts from the community regarding their preference in reading the AVP and displaying it to the operators. My operators are not a fan of using the AO readback because of the way the AVP lags the IVP on the faceplate (I know I could modify the faceplate but I am trying to stick as close to the PCSD templates as possible but this may very well be my path forward), I have some that are a separate AI function block with in the module but I think this adds additional loading that is not required.  I have thought about using an external reference within the module that looks at the HART variable for feedback. 

Note: we primarily use DVC's throughout the plant and use hart as our primary means for feedback.  It is mainly used for diagnostics data for operations. 

2 Replies

  • Over the years the operators have gotten used to having both IVP and AVP on the faceplates, and look at AVP as the 1st thing to check when troubleshooting valve issues (did the valve actually move when I asked it to move). They understand that the AVP updates slower than IVP.

    I suggest making a copy of the loop faceplate (PID_fp) and call it (PID_fp_avp) or something along those lines. Then at a later date when you upgrade a valve to DVC, all you have to do is change the name of the faceplate reference.

    Here is an example that shows the bar graph still using IVP, along with both a moving AVP arrow and a digital AVP readout. We chose magenta for the AVP color

  • In reply to Alan Kaelble:

    Thanks Alan - This is what I was thinking about doing actually based on working at your site. I do not recall, do you use the AO readback or do you use a separate AI function block? Do you display it on the graphic for them or just the faceplate?