Accessing OPC DeltaV on APPL


I am facing problem,

I need to write few variables into DeltaV. My APPL came with 250 OPC licenses. When I run OPCwatchit on the APPL I don't see OPC.DELTAV.1 server on the APPL. But when I run OPCWhatchit on the Pro+ and change server to APPL, I can access data. 1. question is: Why I cannot access OPC server locally on the APPL? Is it necessary to be loged using deltaV logon or is it enough to be loged with windows user. I  am asking because I am connecting remotely and after connect into th APPL I can see the information that "Deltav autologon didnt occure because there is no remote session"

On this APPL there is running OPC Mirror which transfer data from SERVER2 into APPL. So OPC Mirror also can access OPC server on the APPL.

2.question: May I use some another program to access OPC server? Limitation are only amount of communicated variables (in this case 250)? I don't want to buy another licenses for OPC mirror only because of few variables.

Thank you for any help

1 Reply

  • To your first question, yes, if you are using an interactive OPC client like opcwatchit while logged into the server's interactive session, then you must be logged into deltav application. If the OPC client is service based, like OPC mirror, this same restriction doesn't apply since the service is not part of the interactive session. To answer your second question, you can use any OPC client to access the server but since you already paid for OPC mirror, I assume, then your installation and use of this client on the application station OPC server is acceptable. Remember, as OPC mirror is a bridging client, the application must also be able to communicate with your third party OPC server using appropriate operating system and application credentials.
    Logging into the application station remotely is tricky unless you are using virtualization, or unless you have installed vnc on the host (not sure if this is still a recommended practice).