How to export a list of parameters from the Continuous Historian

We have a plant wide Continuous Historian and I know that in DeltaV Explorer I can right click on the station's Continuous Historian and select History Collection and get a window up that shows me the historical parameters configured & running in the historian.  What I need to do is export out the list to a csv file and I cannot find a way to do that.  I should be able to pick an Export command somewhere in the system but I don't see such a thing, does anyone know how I can do this?  Thanks,

4 Replies

  • Export feature you are looking for does not exist for Continuous Historian. However the historian data is defined in a runtime file called PHIST.SCR. This fill will be on the Pro Plus under the DeltaV/DVData/Powerup directory and also in the continuous Historian's computer under the DeltaV/DVData/Download folder. This file contains the configuration of the History points for the given server. Note that every DeltaV computer supports a Continuous historian, and so each will have a PHIST.SCR file. Most of these will be a mainly empty file. For the historian server the file will contain the following for each configured tag, listed in alphabetical order.


    This gives you the Tag (Path), if it is enabled, Compression Deviation (CDEV), Collection period (RATE), the data presentation (STEP, used by PHV to determine if line should be drawn as a stepwise line or a continuous curve joining points), and finally the max time allowed before a value is forced into the history dataset.(MAX)

    CDEV value is -1 if disabled, otherwise it contains the deviation deadband in engineering units that will trigger a history point to be stored.

    Although it is not a CSV file, it is quite easy to parse. A simple VBA script could parse this into CSV format using a loop and a function that strings these values into a delimited string.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    You can simply print to ASCII. Select the historian, right mouse click, select print. From print selection dialog box select print to ASCII
  • To answer your question, highlight Plant Area you want to export the history collection for and at the top toolbar in DeltaV Explorer, click "File", "Export", "User Defined".

    Make sure the selection is "Children of Selected Component" and click Next.

    Check the top level Plant Area and then click "Select All." It might take a minute for this step to populate.

    For the Format Specification File, click "Browse" and then select the HistoryDataPoint.fmt file then click "Next."

    For the Data File, just type in a name of the text file that it will create and click "Next."

    On the Export Results part, pay attention where the Data File is going to be exported to. It's likely going to be either your Import-Export folder or your Bulk Import folder. When you're ready, click "Export" and then it should work for a minute and then it will prompt you to "Finish."

    Once it is finished, you should be able to browse to the appropriate folder and grab the .txt file and take it to a computer that has Excel and open it and do whatever you're going to do with it.

  • Right click on the station's Continuous Historian and select "Print", made OK, a dialog box opens for printing, chose the type of printer: Microsoft XPS Document Writer.
    You will get a file in format .XPS, after you can convert it to .pdf format, or you can copy the contents into an Excel file.