Bulkimport alarm parameters for class based modules failed

Bulkexporting (all possible) parameters from a set of class based modules is successfull including alarm information.

When the result is imported to another configuration which has to be updated, the ImportExportProgress.log indicates:

Updating Type: MODULE: Name: LA-82

1: WARNING: Cannot change alarm bindings for a class based module

2: WARNING: Unable to set alarm parameter path

3: WARNING: IMPORT ERROR: IMPORT of MODULE with key  LA-82  FAILED at  line:3346 column:34. This could cause other serious import errors for related items in this file. Import is now resuming at the next item in the file.

No changes have been made to the modules related to these lines.

Is it possible to change alarm setting of class based modules?

Note: the alarm settings can be changed from DeltaV Explorer.

4 Replies

  • Check to make sure that the shortcut names are the same on that module as they are when configuring from Explorer and you can modify everything that is in the Bulk Edit text file you are using. My guess there is something like Alarm Type, Alarm/Limit Parameter, etc that is the problem.

    You can also review the file located in the Bulk Edit folder called LastImport.fhx and find the exact problem value on the line/column shown in the log file (I use Notepad++ for this but Notepad will work as well as long as you don't have Word Wrap enabled)
  • "2: WARNING: Unable to set alarm parameter path".
    -is LA-82 the same class as in original configuration? compare control modules
    -are you using module type in bulk edit format?
    - check in new configuration Setup/Alarm Types, Prioryties and so on...
  • Thanks Matt and Roman for your answers and suggestions.
    It appears that the bulkeditor, when choosing all parameters to get in the bulkexport, also includes fields that cannot be changed. In this case those are DISC_ALM.ALARM_ATTR, DISC_ALM.MSG_PARAM1 and DISC_ALM.MSG_PARAM2. These fields are grayed-out in DeltaV explorer when adjusting the alarm.
    By excluding these fields and redo the export, import was done correctly.
    The inclusion of unchangable fields - i this case for ALARMS - may be considered as an erratic feature. Hopefully this will be solved in a future update.

    Problem solved.
  • In reply to Maarten van der Waal:

    Maarten, thanks for confirming your findings.

    Andre Dicaire