Unacknowledged Alarm Count for a single Priority?

I need to access a count of all unacknowledged alarms, but just for a single priority (priority 4 in my case).  I can see in the Alarm List that if I filter the list to just show priority 4 alarms, then the counts at the bottom status bar for unacknowledged and total number of alarms for that priority are correct.  Those are the ones I need.  At the top right of the Alarm List, it has datalinks showing total alarms, unacknowledged alarms, and suppressed alarms for all priorities using DVSYS.THISUSER/ALMCNT.F_CV, DVSYS.THISUSER/UNACKCNT.F_CV, and DVSYS.THISUSER/OPSUPCNT.F_CV.  Is there some variation of those that the counts in the status bar is using?  I've tried THISUSER/UNACKCNT[PRI4], etc but no luck.

Thanks in advance!


4 Replies

  • You can try this:

  • In reply to GeloCortez:

    That works! Thanks!
  • In reply to GeloCortez:

    Well, that was starting to work until I ran into a different issue.  My situation is that I need these priority 4 alarms to not show up in the alarm banner and alarm list, but I still need to know the total and unacknowledged counts for this priority.  I can configure the Alarm List summary page to show only priorities 5-15.  I can also set in the UserSettings file the Alarm Threshold Value for Process Alarms to 4 and uncomment the line.  That does remove all priority 4 and below alarms from the alarm banner and alarm list summary like I need it to.  However, with the Alarm Threshold Value set to 4, the DVSYS.THISUSER/UNACKCNT[4].F_CV and DVSYS.THISUSER/ALMCNT[4].F_CV are both showing 0 (like it's not even counting priority 4 alarms as "alarms").  On my test Alarm List page that I have filtered to just show priority 4 alarms, in the status bar it is still reading the correct value of total and unacknowledged priority 4 alarms.  So this leads me to believe that there is some other parameter (or field) that the status bar is using to display.

  • Or is there another way to remove lower level priority alarms from the alarm banner other than setting the Alarm Threshold value in the UserSettings file?