DeltaV Analyse

Does anyone use DeltaV Analyse, if so can you give some comments on its usability, thanks.

1 Reply

  • John Rezabek provided his perspectives in the DeltaV LinkedIn group. I'll pass them along here to close the loop with everyone.

    If your facility is aiming to manage alarms per ISA-18.2 or EEUMA you'll need a tool like Analyze to aid in the "Monitoring and Assessment" stage. It is just one component of an Alarm Management program and taken alone will not be as useful. If your site experiences epsiodes wherein operators are inundated with alarms and consequently make mistakes or fail to act on an important one, then you'd benefit from alarm rationalization and Analyze will be very useful, in my estimation.

    Our facility has Analyze installed and we do find it useful for alarm management and also finding instances where a lot of operator action / intervention is taking place.