DeltaV Control Studio File Open Find Feature Anomaly Involving First Sub-unit - Anyone else seeing this?

Is anyone else having trouble using the DeltaV Control Studio file open find feature when the module sought is in the first sub-unit?  The module is not summoned and the first sub-unit seems to be misrepresented when selected the first time until being "cleared" by a change in hierarchy level followed by a return.

(This is of interest because it seems unnecessary to provide the full database to troubleshoot this - GC-1800-2386.)

3 Replies

  • I personally haven't seen anything like this or heard of it, but let me try to provide a bit of context. Generally, the GSC will try to reproduce the issue themselves on a test system with minimal configuration. However, there are so many different factors that affect behavior that in many cases it's not possible to reproduce the issues without the exact configuration.

    Based on what I see with the short video clip and the description, my first inclination is that this is probably due to how the data was stored in the database, whether due to some sort of corruption or a bug with the software. The FHX file which is most common for interchanging data is just a representation of the data stored in the database, but is not structured in the same way. So, for an issue like this that might be related to the database, there really is not a smaller subset of data that could be used to reproduce the issue.

    I would strongly encourage you to open a current call and follow through with the GSC, there could be some other things that have been found since then or other methods to debug.
  • I am able to replicate the issue on our system, v13.3.1, but only for areas that have more than 14 process cells. It appears as though the find brings up the correct area but fails to open the process cell, and then the 1st process cell in the window is replaced with the 15th process cell. Thus, trying to open the 1st process cell results in actually opening the 15th cell, and shows the modules from the 15th process cell, not the 1st. The 1st process cell still showed the correct name, unless I single clicked on it, then it changed to the 15th process cell name.

    I don't typically search for modules using this method, so haven't come across it before.

    Clear as mud?
  • Thanks for the responses!