DeltaV SIS

Hello Experts,

I need to change trip setpoint/limit on a HIPPS based on a DeltaV SIS controller.

Could you please advise about simple procedure to deploy the new settings?

Do I need to program download? Could it generate Controller restart after download (safe state)?

See attached photo for more information.

Thanks for your support.

Best Regards 


4 Replies

  • The ability to change the trip limit on your Safety function is something that would be defined in the SIF's specification and as such may or may not be allowed through a parameter change. You should be following the prescribed processes for this SIF and not a general public forum of opinion. That's my opinion anyway.

    Before you simply seek a way to change the value, you should fully understand the intent of the SIF as per its documented behavior as well as the MOC process to effect that change. Altering the behavior of a safety function can not only lead to a dangerous operating condition, but in the case of a safety event, the altered SIF could be grounds for nullifying insurance coverage if the change is contrary to the SIF design. No one on this forum speak to this Safety Functions design intent or how to appropriately manage this parameter. I would encourage you to review the documentation surrounding this SIF and fully understand what and how to make this change in compliance with the SIF design intent,.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to Andre Dicaire:

    Thanks, Andre, for your feedback. I appreciate your explanation. We shall prepare HAZOP study prior this modification then preparing an MoC.
    Could you please advise how could I take a backup of the Logic Solver?

    Thanks for your Support.
  • In reply to AJARI:

    You can export the configuration selectively to back up the logic solver and the assigned SIS Modules.
    Exporting the Logic solver saves the IO configuration and other hardware definition of the node.
    Exporting the SIS Modules saves the actual logic.
    Together they backup the Logic solver and the configuration.

    Andre Dicaire

  • In reply to AJARI:

    You can export the configuration selectively to back up the logic solver and the assigned SIS Modules.
    Exporting the Logic solver saves the IO configuration and other hardware definition of the node.
    Exporting the SIS Modules saves the actual logic.
    Together they backup the Logic solver and the configuration.

    Andre Dicaire