Find Module Name from Alarm Group in DeltaV Live

Is there a method to find the name of a Module that an Alarm Group references through DeltaV Live?

We are running into an issue where Emerson SIS standards use only Alarm Groups, these open PHV as Event Only by default. We cannot easily adjust this as the SIS Faceplates use the Alarm Group as the tag, and do not reference the full path required for a tag to get continuous historian tags.

  • The Emerson SIS standards are to be updated for this known issue but the answer to your question is documented in DeltaV Books Online under Operator Displays->DeltaV Live->Creating operator displays->Writing scripts and graphics expressions->Scripting Elements->Emerson-provided objects and their functions->DLSYS object->GetAssociatedModuleNameAsync function.
  • Specific implementation would be to create a new Process History View button GEM and update the Click1 command for "grpProcHistView" to the following:
    (Gem.eventsOnly ? GL.Library.S_PHV_Events + Gem.TagDev.Switch : Dsp.Name + ".phve /sub ") + "(" + await DLSYS.GetAssociatedModuleNameAsync(DLPATH.TagPath(Gem.Tag)) + "/" + DLPATH.TagPath(Gem.Tag) +")"