  • FDI for Device Integration

    The scope of the ISA104 committee, Device Integration, was modified last year to include adoption and support of the Field Device Integration (FDI) standard (IEC 62769). To help promote the benefits of FDI technology in the process industry, four members of the ISA104 committee worked together this year to write and present a paper on … Continue reading » Read the full text.
  • ISA104 Meeting at ISA Automation Week

    The ISA104 standard committee, Device Integration, met on Monday, November 4th, in conjunction with ISA Automation Week in Nashville, TN. The ISA104 committee consists of 30 people from the USA, Singapore, Japan, France, Germany, UK, China, Canada, and Columbia that have varied backgrounds in industry and universities. Committee members that could not travel to Nashville … Continue reading » Read the full text.
  • New DeltaV Executive Portal Product Data Sheet

    The DeltaV Executive Portal provides one place to view all of your process information, giving decision-making tools to people when and where they need it. (420KB PDF) Read the full text.
  • What’s all the buzz around the new ISA-106 committee and Unit Based Control?

    The ISA 106 standard will impact continuous process industry procedures in the future. Below is an update that answers some of the questions you might have on the standard and links to the technical report you may find interesting. Formed in 2010, the committee is focused on recommending best practices to automating procedures in continuous process industries. The team is diverse including representatives from Oil…
  • Raymond D. Molloy Award

    In early October, 2013, Willy Wojsznis, Mark Nixon and I were notified by the ISA Publications Department that we were the recipients of the “Raymond D. Molloy Award”. The book we co-authored, Advanced Control Foundation: Tools, Techniques, and Applications, sold the most units of any new book published by ISA in 2012. The publication award’s … Continue reading » Read the full text.
  • Press Release: Emerson’s automation safety system wins 2013 exida Safety Award

    Safety certification body cites innovative design, flexibility, and cyber-security in selection of DeltaV SIS™ with Electronic Marshalling AUSTIN, TEXAS (November 14, 2013) – Emerson’s DeltaV safety instrumented system (SIS) has been granted the 2013 Safety Award by exida, the global leader in functional safety and cybersecurity certification for the process industries. exida recognized the DeltaV [...] Read the full…
  • Application of On-line Data Analytics to a Continuous Process Polybutene Unit

    Lubrizol Corporation has installed at the Deer Park, TX plant a field trail version of Emerson’s Continuous Data Analytics capability. Over the last year Qiwei Li, production engineer, and Robert Wojewodka, Technology Manager and Statistician, have developed PCA/PLS models to predict quality parameter and detect faults for the Polybutene and refrigerant compressor units at the … Continue reading » Read the full text.
  • Applying Lambda Tuning to Six Common Control Challenges

    Last year, some controversy broke out in the process automation and control community about the use of Lambda tuning for proportional-integral-derivative (PID)-based control. In a post, Lambda Tuning-Yeah or Neah?, we offered a differing view to a Control magazine article, The Case Against Lambda Tuning. Emerson’s Mark Coughran has written an excellent whitepaper that is […] Read the full text.
  • Utilizing DeltaV Advanced Control Innovations

    Several Meet the Expects workshops are schedule on the last day of Emerson Exchange. As part of this effort, Willy Wojsznis and I co-hosted a workshop this year titled Utilizing DeltaV Advanced Control Innovations to Improve Control Performance. In this workshop we explore and discuss innovative features of the DeltaV PID and embedded Advanced Control … Continue reading » Read the full text.
  • Process Education on Demand

    In Emerson’s boot camp for new engineers, I teach the portion on process control based on our book Control Loop Foundation – Batch and Continuous Processes. Each student receives a copy of this book. Customer may receive the same process control training by attending a 4 ½ day class, Control Loop Foundation – 9025, offered … Continue reading » Read the full text.
  • New Batch Analytics Deployment Whitepaper

    This document examines the preparation and deployment process for the DeltaV Batch Analytics feature of the DeltaV™ Professional Batch product. (200KB PDF) Read the full text.
  • ISA Automation Week – Nov 5-7

    ISA Automation Week is one of the major conferences conducted each year in North American. This year the conference will be held November 5-7 at the Nashville Convention Center, Nashville, TN. The convention center is convenient to reach – just eight miles away from the Nashville International Airport. A number of standards groups conduct meetings … Continue reading » Read the full text.
  • Updated DeltaV SIS with IS Electronic Marshalling Product Data Sheet

    The DeltaV SIS process safety system has the world’s first CHARMs Smart SIS Logic Solver, using the power of predictive intelligence to increase the availability of the entire safety instrumented function in combination with the advantages of the Emerson Electronic Marshalling solution, using Intrinsically Safe (IS) LS CHARMs. (1.8MB PDF) Read the full text.
  • Operator Training System for Deepwater Oil and Gas Redevelopment Project

    One of the reoccurring themes I heard at the recent Emerson Exchange conference for process manufacturers modernizing their control systems was the early engagement of operators in training systems. I met with Emerson’s Ronnie Bains a few months back who is involved in many operator training system (OTS) projects, as part of the Strategic Services […] Read the full text.
  • “Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close up”

    So here’s a shameless plug for a great YouTube video that’s about to go viral. For use with our Electronic Marshalling, we’ve released the CHARM Diagnostic App for the iPhone for interpreting and diagnosing the LED lights on CIOC Characterization Modules. Using either the built in camera or manual detection, the color and blink rate of the CHARM’s LED is translated into useful diagnostic information.…
  • Production Upsets Averted with SHM

    A system specialist in one of our customer sites called in sick one day leaving no one to monitor a recipe PC which was starting to run out of disk space. This could have resulted to a potential lock-up which would have jeopardized production. In another site, the temperatures of several network switches were increasing beyond the prescribed limits due to a malfunctioning AC. The hardware could have been destroyed…
  • Addressing Control in the Presence of Process and Measurement Noise

    When a measurement used in a control application is characterized by a significant amount of process or measurement noise then to avoid taking control action on noise filtering may be applied in the transmitter or in the control system. However, when traditional filtering techniques are used it is necessary to increase the PID reset time … Continue reading » Read the full text.
  • DeltaV SIS with Electronic Marshalling has been chosen as the 2013 exida Safety Awards winner

    Exida, a technical authority and certification agency, announced that, DeltaV SIS with Electronic Marshalling has been chosen as the 2013 exida Safety Awards winner in the Logic Solvers category. The awards are meant to honor the most outstanding functional safety products certified by exida per IEC 61508. This award demostrate the exceptional features of DeltaV SIS with Electronic Marshalling as modern Safety Instrumented…
  • Virtuallization Technology is Solving Real Problems here...

    For the longest of time, I have always struggled whenever being asked about how Engineering or Operator Workstations can have redundant or backup solution. We could talk about RAID 5 solution, we can talk about expensive Redundant Servers from Marathon or Stratus etc...but it has always been a difficult conversation. I see the need but the solution is just half way there....UNTIL NOW.... I am really quite impressed…
  • Be sure to get to the DeltaV roadmap sessions

    Come and Meet Claudio the new DeltaV marketing director. He has a nice concise DeltaV message on v12 and a look into the future...
  • Meet The Expert Workshops – Emerson Exchange

    On the last day of Emerson Exchange, Friday, October 5, a number of Meet the Expert workshops are scheduled.  This year the future architecture team will host two Meet the Expert workshops:  MTE-5524 – Utilizing DeltaV Advanced Control Innovations to Improve Control Performance | Terry Blevins, Willy Wojsznis at 8-9:30am in Dallas 4 and 10-11:30 … Continue reading » Read the full text.
  • Evolving Role to Integrated Business Operator

    As we make final preparations for the Emerson Exchange Americas conference in Dallas next week, I wanted to highlight article by Emerson’s Jeff Dymond. The Control Engineering article, The role of the new integrated business operator in an iOps environment, highlights: A new type of operator that understands the needs of the business, when placed […] Read the full text.
  • Get More Descriptive with your Alarms in DeltaV v12

    Sometimes it’s easier to get your point across with less; other times you wish you had more time or room to explain yourself. Submitting an abstract for Emerson Exchange is like that – you end up having to be creative to get your point across in the limited number of characters you’re allotted. One place you hate to be limited is in your alarms. The more information you can provide your operators, the better…
  • Cybersecurity and OPC .NET

    Cybersecurity remains a top concern for process manufacturers around the globe. This is due to the fact that threats are increasing, automation and IT staffs are demanding comprehensive security, regulations and standards are emerging, and proactive measures...
  • Continuous Data Analytics – Field Trail Results

    Over the last two years the future architecture team has conducted field tests of a continuous data analytics capability for quality parameter prediction and process and measurement fault detection. This continuous data analytics capability is addressed in Chapter 9 of Advanced Control Foundation – Tools, Techniques and Applications. The workshop for this chapter is designed … Continue reading » Read the full text.