Top ten difference between ICS and IT cybersecurity - article reprint

If you are involved in securing your control systems and want to develop a better relationship with your IT security folks please read on…

Security is becoming an ever increasing topic in the Industrial Control System world.  Our systems have attracted the attention of business Chief Security Officer organizations who are now being charged with securing all the networks in the facility. This has led to tensions between IT security and Operations as they try and work together to secure the control systems. 

Over the last few years Lee and I have been listening to our customer groups who are trying to understand how to work better with their IT departments to develop plans to secure their control systems. 

Lee and I have taken this experience and written an article to condense what we see as some of the most prevalent differences between Operations and IT cybersecurity.  It was published in May/June InTech. It is also attached to this post.


Top Ten differences ICS and IT security.pdf