How Do You Sell Management on the Value of a Dedicated Role for Exploiting Smart Instrumentation?

Emerson Exchange 365 community member, John Rezabek, asks this question in a article, Selling Diagnostics to Management.

John writes:

Asset management is risk management. Our instrument asset management value proposition should be simple and conveyed in five PowerPoint slides or less (the higher up the management ladder you're making your pitch, the fewer the slides). It should go something like this: because we've learned to pay attention to the alerts from our intelligent devices, we will keep our plant on-line when the other guys are down; we will be safer and in compliance when the other guy is running blind; we can prevent the flare from blazing for days because someone believed a bogus or stale number; but to do this, we need people in roles that are devoted to creating and maintaining the infrastructure to bring in field diagnostics, and then to organize, prioritize and report on them.

Have you sold your management on the idea of either a dedicated role to extract the value from your smart instrumentation or created a larger timeslice for this activity for someone in an existing role? If so, how did you sell the idea?